
​russians Have So Much Faith in Their Advanced T-90M Tanks That Even Those Got 'Encaged' (Photo)

Illustrative photo: T-90M tanks of the russian "Tamanskaya" division / Archive photo
Illustrative photo: T-90M tanks of the russian "Tamanskaya" division / Archive photo

Дow qualification of the tank crews of the russian army makes tens of years of defense industry’s labor go to waste

russian "artisans" thought it would be a good idea to equip their advanced T-90M "Proryv" tanks with slat armor cages, also called "barbecue grills" because of their zero effectiveness as a means of protection. Notably, such "grills" were welded upon the "Nakidka" protection complex.

According to the source, this photo was taken in the Belgorod region of the russian federation, apparently, at the time when russians were deploying reinforcements to the occupied Kharkiv region in Ukraine. And though we have already seen similar "tuning" for the tank previously, now we are confident it’s more of a trend than a sole case, and this fact says a lot about the state of affairs inside the russian army.

Read more: ​Elite russian Tamanskaya Division Abandoned their T-90M 'Proryv' Which Became the First Such Trophy for Ukrainian Military (Photo)

The russians themselves seem to realize that adding the "grills" will have as much as zero advantage in combat, but still continue with this practice which starts to look more like a "cargo cult". Considering the thickness of the bars on these cages, the crews likely didn’t even care how effective this supplement would be.

But why do that if you already have the "one-of-a-kind" "Nakidka" camouflage complex which can make a tank "less visible" in thermal and radio spectrum, i.e. protect from a Javelin missile at least. Moreover, the "grill" actually makes it worse because it gives away the thermal signature of the vehicle.

The T-90M "Proryv" with a "barbecue grill" welded to it (along with other "enhancements"), August 2022 / Photo credit: Censor.Net

Once again, if tank crews of such advanced and complex vehicles as T-90M turn to "grill welding", then it means they don’t understand the capabilities of their tanks, and the means of active protection in particular. It somewhat explains why they gave up their T-90M to the Ukrainian soldiers' hands – because of not understanding what a valuable vehicle they abandoned.

All mentioned earlier provides a vivid picture of the low qualification of the russian contract army, not to mention the mobilized concripts. Even the russians complain in their social media that such a bad training of tank operators made tens of years of active protection development for armored vehicles spent by the domestic defense industry.

This is how russians "camouflaged" their T-90M, April 2022 / Screenshot captured by Militarnyi website
Read more: Russians Complain that the US Specialists Will Learn All the Secrets of Their Latest T-90M Proryv