
​russia Wants to Counter Ukrainian Maritime Drone Threat with the VT-30E Helicopter Drone

The VT-30E drone / open source
The VT-30E drone / open source

Designed for reconnaissance, the VT-30E drone may track Ukrainian kamikaze boats and other maritime threats

Ivan Antsev, the executive director of russian Radar mms scientific and production enterprise, stated that the russian forces might use their VT-30E helicopter-type drones for reconnaissance and tracking Ukrainian unmanned kamikaze boats. He explained that in its maritime variant, this drone can perform tasks not only for tracking ships but also for addressing threats such as surface drones, which have caused significant losses to the russian Black Sea Fleet.

Recently, it was revealed that Ukrainian Sea Baby marine drones are also being used as unmanned mine layers. In this role, they have been responsible for damaging at least four russian ships, including the Samum missile ship and Pavel Derzhavin patrol ship. Regarding the VT-30E drone, Ivan Antsev notes that it can carry out monitoring tasks around the clock and in any weather conditions.

Read more: ​Ukraine's Sea Baby Naval Drone Can Create Mine Barriers, russian Samum and Pavel Derzhavin Got Caught
Ukrainian Sea Baby drone Defense Express russia Wants to Counter Ukrainian Maritime Drone Threat with the VT-30E Helicopter Drone
Ukrainian Sea Baby drone / Photo credit: Evgeniy Maloletka, AP

The VT-30E drone has a maximum takeoff weight of 30 kg and a maximum payload weight of 7 kg. It can fly for one and a half hours and has a maximum flight range of 40 km (considering return). Its cruising speed is 55 km/h, and it can reach an altitude of 4500 meters. Depending on the mission’s needs, the VT-30E drone can be equipped with various devices, including optoelectronic equipment, detectors, gas analyzers, radar stations and geophysical tools. This unmanned helicopter can be controlled from an external pilot station or from an automated docking station known as Droneport. Deployment of the drone takes 10-15 minutes, depending on the time of day and runway conditions.

The VT-30E drone Defense Express russia Wants to Counter Ukrainian Maritime Drone Threat with the VT-30E Helicopter Drone
The VT-30E drone / open source

The VT-30E drone is primarily intended for monitoring transportation and energy infrastructure, environmental control, search and rescue operations, signal relay, cargo delivery and more.

Read more: The SSU's Head Confirms Instalation of Grad System on Updated Sea Baby Drone