
​Ukraine Will Receive the ASC 890 Aircraft in a Biggest Package from Sweden

The ASC 890 airborne surveillance and control aircraft / Photo credit: The Swedish Armed Forces and Måns Thuresson
The ASC 890 airborne surveillance and control aircraft / Photo credit: The Swedish Armed Forces and Måns Thuresson

Package 16 will be Sweden’s largest military aid package to date, valued at €1.16 billion

Sweden is poised to enhance Ukraine’s air defense with a substantial new military aid. The forthcoming Package 16, valued at €1.16 billion, represents Sweden’s largest military contribution. This package includes the donation of the ASC 890 airborne surveillance and control aircraft, significantly improving Ukraine’s capacity to detect airborne and maritime threats at extended ranges. These aircraft will serve as force multipliers in conjunction with the newly introduced F-16 jets, and will be complemented by the donation of the AIM-120 missiles.

In addition, Sweden will contribute its entire stock of the PBV 302 armoured tracked personnel carriers to support the formation of new Ukrainian brigades. The aid package also encompasses artillery ammunition and resources for maintaining previously donated equipment. Surplus tank vehicles from the Swedish Armed Forces will be delivered, alongside financial support for capability coalitions, funds and initiatives aimed at the rapid procurement of military materiel for Ukraine.

Read more: ​Gripen for Ukraine Only After F-16: Sweden Pauses Aircraft Transfer
The PBV 302 armoured tracked personnel carrier Defense Express Ukraine Will Receive the ASC 890 Aircraft in a Biggest Package from Sweden
The PBV 302 armoured tracked personnel carrier / Photo credit: The Swedish Armed Forces and Måns Thuresson

Furthermore, the Swedish Defense Research Agency will aid Ukraine in establishing its own defense research institute. The package will also enhance Ukraine’s command and control capabilities through the provision of terminals equipped with satellite communication subscriptions.

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