
​The UK Defense Intelligence Reveals Increased russia’s Reliance on ATVs and Motorbikes for Reconnaissance and Attack

The Ural motorcycle / open source
The Ural motorcycle / open source

Over 2,100 Desertcross vehicles aim to provide faster troop movement and attack options

Since the start of 2024, russia has highly likely increased its use of light vehicles, such as all-terrain vehicles and off-road motorbikes to transport personnel to the frontlines, and conduct attacks on Ukrainian positions, particularly at night, the UK Defense Intelligence reports.

In November 2023, russian President Vladimir Putin personally inspected newly acquired Chinese Desertcross 1000-3 all-terrain vehicles from Odes Industries. Russia has reportedly purchased over 2,100 of these vehicles.

Read more: ​The russian Army Started Using Motorcycles Decommissioned in 2011 by the Ministry of Defense
The Desertcross 1000-3 all-terrain vehicle Defense Express The UK Defense Intelligence Reveals Increased russia’s Reliance on ATVs and Motorbikes for Reconnaissance and Attack
The Desertcross 1000-3 all-terrain vehicle / open source

It is likely that russian forces have increasingly resorted to the use of lighter, faster vehicles to conduct reconnaissance of Ukrainian defensive positions, to allow for subsequent engagement using artillery, first-person view or one-way attack drones in an effort to consistently degrade Ukrainian forces.

However, in sacrificing armour and firepower for increased mobility, light vehicles are far more vulnerable than their armoured counterparts to an array of weapon systems.

Read more: ​Ukrainian Military Will Ride Austrian Motorcycles, Fly in German Helicopters