
SpaceX Shut Down a Russian Electromagnetic Warfare Attack in Ukraine Last Month Against Starlink

Starlink satellites system
Starlink satellites system

As Defense News report with reference to Pentagon expert, last month SpaceX company shut down a Russian electromagnetic warfare attack against Starlink in Ukraine

According to Dave Tremper, director of electronic warfare for the Office of the Secretary of Defense, last month SpaceX’s swiftly stymie a Russian effort to jam its Starlink satellite broadband service, which was keeping Ukraine connected to the Internet.

The 60 Starlink satellites inside Falkon-9
The 60 Starlink satellites inside Falkon-9

“The next day [after reports about the Russian jamming effort hit the media], Starlink had slung a line of code and fixed it. And suddenly that [Russian jamming attack] was not effective anymore. From [the] EW technologist’s perspective, that is fantastic … and how they did that was eye-watering to me.” - Tremper said during the C4ISRNET Conference on April 20, 2022.

Read more: The 58th Day of the War: Russian Casualties in Ukraine

Tremper said the Pentagon expected a “much stronger” EW showing from Russia — but cautioned that isn’t to say all of Russia’s efforts have failed.

Russia’s halting efforts to conduct electromagnetic warfare in Ukraine show how important it is to quickly respond, and immediately shut down, such attacks.

SpaceX founder Elon Musk steered thousands of Starlink terminals to Ukraine after an official sent him a tweet asking for help keeping the besieged country online.

Read more: ​Day 58th of War Between Ukraine and Russian Federation (Live Updates)