
Chronicle of the russian federation Crimes in Ukraine (February 2023)

Illustrative photo - Kupiansk, Kharkiv region
Illustrative photo - Kupiansk, Kharkiv region

The russian aggression against Ukraine, which began in 2014 with the occupation of certain districts of the Donetsk and Luhansk regions, has shown that the Kremlin is disregarded international law and its international commitments

Defense Express continue to collect violations by russia of the international commitments, which require world condemnation by the community and effective prosecution of offenses in international courts.

The facts of international humanitarian law violations by russian armed forces in Ukraine in February 2022 - January 2023 you can find here.

February 28. A man was killed, houses and a kindergarten were damaged as a result of Russian shelling of Kupiansk, Kharkiv region, on Tuesday.

Read more: Chronicle of the russian federation Crimes in Ukraine (January 2023)

Oleh Syniehubov, head of the Kharkiv Regional Military Administration, said this in a Telegram post.

"Russian occupiers continue to deliberately attack civilian infrastructure and civilians in Kharkiv region. Kupiansk was shelled again this morning. Residential buildings were destroyed, a kindergarten building was damaged. The city recreation park was also struck. Unfortunately, a 63-year-old civilian man was killed,” the report says.

February 28. Russian troops shelled Kherson city on Tuesday, February 28, with civilian casualties recorded.

According to the head of the President's Office, Andriy Yermak, said this on his Telegram channel.

"The Russians shelled Kherson again. A private residential building was destroyed by the shelling. One woman was injured. Also, one person is known to have died," he said.

On February 27, the Russian army shelled the Kherson region 119 times. In particular, the invaders launched 18 attacks on Kherson 18.

February 28. Russian troops have shelled the Seredyna-Buda, Khotin and Esman communities in the Sumy region.

The press service of the Sumy regional military administration reported this on its Telegram channel on Tuesday, February 28.

"Last night, the Russians shelled the Seredyna-Buda, Khotin and Esman communities. Thirty-six hits were recorded," the report said.

The military administration clarified that the Khotin community came under MLRS fire from 21:40, with a total of 30 hits recorded. The Seredyna-Buda community came under fire at 02:30, with Russian forces likely using mortars. At around the same time, Russian forces struck the Esman community, with three mortar strikes recorded.

February 28. This morning Russian troops have shelled the water area of the Mykolaiv region’s Ochakiv community and the coastline of the Kutsurub community with multiple launch rocket systems (MLRS) and other artillery pieces.

The relevant statement was made by Mykolaiv Regional Military Administration Head Vitalii Kim on Telegram.

“On February 27, 2023, at 11:05 a.m., 04:05 p.m., 04:40 p.m. and 06:23 p.m., and in the morning of February 28, 2023, at 06:59 a.m., the enemy opened fire with MLRS and other artillery pieces on the water area of the Ochakiv community and the coastline of the Kutsurub community,” Kim wrote. In his words, no casualties were reported.

February 28. One civilian has been killed and nine injured in Russia’s shelling of the Donetsk region over the past day.

The relevant statement was made by Donetsk Regional Military Administration Head Pavlo Kyrylenko on Telegram.

“On February 27, 2023, Russians killed one civilian in the Donetsk region, namely in Kurakhivka. Nine more people were injured,” Kyrylenko wrote.

Additionally, it is now impossible to count the exact number of casualties in Mariupol and Volnovakha, Kyrylenko noted.

February 28. Last night Russian troops shelled the Dnipropetrovsk region’s Nikopol with heavy artillery three times. Destructions were reported.

The relevant statement was made by Dnipropetrovsk Regional Military Administration Head Serhii Lysak on Telegram.

“Last night the enemy struck Nikopol with heavy artillery three times. Civilians remained unharmed, but destructions were reported. A hotel, three detached houses, a household building and a car were damaged in the city. Power transmission lines were broken,” Lysak wrote.

A reminder that earlier two Russian unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) were

February 27. Russian troops shelled border settlements of Sumy region with mortars, firing 11 shells in just two hours.

The Operational Command North said this in a Telegram post.

"From 13:10 to 13:15, 5 ‘hits’ were reported, presumably from a 120-mm mortar, in the area of Kurzhok populated area,” the report says.

From 14:20 to 14:45, 6 explosions were reported, presumably from a 120-mm mortar, in the area of Budivelne populated area.

February 27. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has triggered "the most massive violations of human rights we are living [through] today," United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres said Monday.

That’s according to CNN.

"It has unleashed widespread death, destruction and displacement," Guterres said.

"The Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights has documented dozens of cases of conflict-related sexual violence against men, women and girls," the top UN official added.

Guterres spoke at the UN Human Rights Council’s meeting in Geneva, commemorating the 75-year anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

He called on governments to respect and revitalize the declaration, which he said is often "misused and abused."

In the rights group’s annual report, it said that evidence of war crimes in Bucha, a suburb of Kyiv, were part of a pattern that "has been repeated countless times."

February 27. The Russian army shelled the Nikopol district, Dnipropetrovsk region, twice at night.

Serhii Lysak, the head of the Dnipropetrovsk Regional Military Administration, said this in a Telegram post.

"The enemy shelled the Nikopol district twice last night. Nikopol itself and the Myrove community came under heavy artillery fire. People were not injured. Eight private houses, an outbuilding, cars, gas pipelines and power lines were damaged," Lysak wrote.

February 27. The Russian army injured two residents of Donetsk region yesterday, February 26.

Pavlo Kyrylenko, the head of the Donetsk Regional Military Administration, said this in a Telegram post.

“On February 26, Russians injured two residents of Donetsk region: in Hirnyk and Zoriane,” he wrote.

He noted that it is currently impossible to establish the exact number of victims in Mariupol and Volnovakha.

February 27. In Khmelnytskyi, one person was killed and four more were injured as a result of enemy drone attacks.

Khmelnytskyi Mayor Oleksandr Symchyshyn wrote this on Telegram.

"Another massive terrorist attack on the Khmelnytskyi community. This time, the enemy used UAVs. There is information about 1 killed and 4 injured," he wrote.

According to the mayor, "a number of buildings were damaged. Firefighting continues."

Three explosions were heard in Khmelnytskyi during an air raid alert on February 27. From 23:00 on Sunday until the early hours of Monday, Russian occupiers used 14 UAVs of the Shahed type over the territory of Ukraine. According to the preliminary information provided by the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, "11 of these drones were shot down by Ukrainian defenders."

February 27. Russian forces struck Zaporizhzhia with S-300 missiles at night.

The Zaporizhzhia Regional Military Administration said this in a Telegram post.

"The night was loud for the regional center - the enemy again used S-300 missiles against peaceful Zaporizhzhia," the report reads.

According to acting Zaporizhzhia Mayor Anatoliy Kurtiev, an object of civilian non-residential infrastructure was struck two times. Damage was reported. People were not injured.

February 27. A child was injured as Russian forces shelled Kostiantynivka, Donetsk region, on Sunday, February 26

"Several private houses and a car were damaged, one child was injured," Oleksiy Roslov, the head of the Kostiantynivka City Military Administration, told Suspilne.

According to him, medical assistance was provided to the child on the spot.

February 26. A year and two days into the occupation of Melitopol, Kherson region, more than 1,000 residents were captured by Russian invaders.

Melitopol Mayor in exile Ivan Fedorov spoke of this on the air of the national news telethon.

"It’s been a year and two days, and more than 1,000 residents have been captured, while dozens, perhaps even hundreds, have been deported. In recent months, the occupiers have been shooting videos showing people presumably being taken to the farthest checkpoint and then expelled, In fact, after the video is shot, they take those people captive and force them to dig trenches or simply abuse them," says the mayor.

He also recalled that on February 23, 2022, the population amounted to 150,000, while currently, there are no more than 50,000 - 60,000 people remaining. Therefore, almost 100,000 residents were forced to flee the temporarily occupied city.

In addition, Fedorov noted that the enemy forces stage acts of provocation by going door-to-dooe and intimidating the locals, saying the Ukrainian troops will start shooting people once they enter the city.

Earlier it was reported that the enemy brought to town a special spy station to eavesdrop on residents’ communications in mobile networks and online.

February 26. On Sunday morning, the troops of the Russian Federation shelled the border areas of Sumy region with mortars.

“From 08:50 to 09:05, information was received about six strikes, probably launched from a 120mm mortar, in the area of Horky settlement,” the Operational Command "North" posted on Telegram.

No military personnel or civilian casualties, as well as damages to military equipment or civilian infrastructure, were reported.

February 26. Russian troops shelled the border areas of the Kharkiv region’s Chuhuiv, Kupiansk and Kharkiv districts.

The relevant statement was made by Kharkiv Regional Military Administration Head Oleh Syniehubov on Telegram.

At least four detached houses were damaged in Russia’s shelling of Kupiansk. Household buildings were destroyed. A woman, 82, suffered from stress and was provided with medical aid.

In the urban-type settlement of Kupiansk-Vuzlovyi, Russian projectiles caused damage to 5-storey apartment blocks.

February 26. Russian troops have opened fire on the Kherson region 78 times over the past day. Casualties among civilians were reported.

The relevant statement was made by Kherson Regional Military Administration Head Oleksandr Prokudin on Telegram.

“On February 25, 2023, the enemy opened fire 78 times. The city of Kherson was struck 13 times. Enemy projectiles hit residential areas, detached houses and apartment blocks, as well as the territory of an enterprise,” the report states.

February 26. Three civilians have been killed and four injured in Russia’s shelling of the Donetsk region over the past day.

The relevant statement was made by Donetsk Regional Military Administration Head Pavlo Kyrylenko on Telegram.

“On February 25, 2023, Russians killed three civilians in the Donetsk region: two in Bakhmut and one in Novopokrovske. Four more people were injured,” Kyrylenko wrote.

February 26. Russian troops launched 17 strikes overnight Sunday, targeting the Nikopol district in Dnipropetrovsk region, including the Nikopol, Marhanets, and Myrove communities.

That’s according to Serhii Lysak, chief of the Dnipropetrovsk Regional Military Administration.

"Seventeen enemy strikes at the Nikopol district overnight. The aggressor’s fired at the Nikopol, Marhanets, and Myrove communities. No casualties were inflicted by some destruction was reported," the official wrote on Telegram.

In Nikopol, three private residential buildings were damaged, the roof was set on fire in one of them. Fire rescuers have already contained the fire. In addition, two high-rise buildings, a restaurant, gas pipeline, and power line were damaged, according to the head of the administration.

"In Marhanka, a private enterprise, college, apartment building, and several non-residential buildings were damaged," he added.

Lysak emphasized that the scale of the destruction is being clarified.

It should be recalled that the day before, the enemy shelled the Nikopol and Synelnykove districts of Dnipropetrovsk region, employing heavy artillery.

February 25. Today, February 25, the town of Avdiivka in Donetsk region is under heavy Russian fire. At least one person was injured.

"Avdiivka is under heavy enemy fire. Today, the Russians have already shelled the town with artillery twice, once with tanks, launched an airstrike, and also hit the town with Grad MLRS. Shells and rockets slammed into residential neighborhoods and an industrial zone, injuring at least one person," Pavlo Kyrylenko, Head of the Donetsk Regional Military Administration, posted on Telegram.

"This is a hub school which we opened only in 2021 after a complete reconstruction. The Lithuanian government helped us a lot with its renovation, allocating more than 700,000 euros for the newest equipment. The school was one of the best in the region, and now it is completely ruined," he added.

February 25. Russian troops shelled the border areas of Sumy region with tube artillery.

“From 11:40 to 11:50, eight strikes, probably from tube artillery, were reported in the area of Katerynivka settlement,” the Operational Command “North” posted on Telegram.

No casualties or destructions were reported.

As a reminder, Sumy was one of the first regions to experience the Russian army attack on February 24, 2022. The invaders fired at the border settlements of the region with MLRS, and then entered by tanks and armored personnel carriers. Out of 1,490 settlements in the region, 172 were occupied by the aggressor state (about 12% of the total number).

February 25. Russian troops launched a missile attack on the city of Kramatorsk, Donetsk region, injuring one person.

"At least one person was injured in a missile attack on Kramatorsk by the ruscist occupying forces. The Russians hit a residential building with a missile. They also struck and destroyed a local outpatient clinic," Pavlo Kyrylenko, Head of the Donetsk Regional Military Administration, posted on Facebook.

February 25. Two employees of the Kherson regional emergency and rescue service have been injured by Russian shelling.

The Kherson regional military administration said this in a post on the Telegram messaging app on Saturday, February 25.

"Two employees of the Kherson regional emergency and rescue service were injured by Russian shelling. Specialists were covering windows on Poltavska Street in Kherson with OSB panels when a new enemy attack began. The men suffered shrapnel injuries," the report said.

February 25. Russian troops have already killed 461 children and injured 927 more in course of its large-scale invasion of Ukraine.

"As of the morning of February 25, 2023, more than 1,388 children were killed and injured in Ukraine as a result of the full-scale armed aggression of the Russian Federation. According to the official information of juvenile prosecutors, 461 children were killed and 927 children received injuries of various degrees of severity," the Prosecutor General's Office posted on Telegram.

According to the Prosecutor General's Office data, most children were killed and injured in Donetsk region – 445, Kharkiv region –272, Kyiv region – 123, Kherson region – 90, Zaporizhzhia region – 84, Mykolaiv region – 83, Chernihiv region – 68, Luhansk region – 66, Dnipropetrovsk region – 64.

As noted, the numbers are not final as efforts are ongoing to establish casualties in the areas of hostilities, in temporarily captured and liberated territories.

February 25. Five civilians have been injured in Russia’s shelling of the Donetsk region over the past day. The relevant statement was made by Donetsk Regional Military Administration Head Pavlo Kyrylenko on Telegram.

“On February 24, 2023, Russians injured five civilians in the Donetsk region: two in Chasiv Yar, one in Bakhmut, one in Donetske and one in Kostiantynivka,” Kyrylenko wrote.

February 24. Russian troops opened fire on the Kherson region 83 times. A total of 34 settlements were struck with enemy artillery.

The relevant statement was made by Kherson Regional Military Administration Head Oleksandr Prokudin on Telegram.

In particular, Russian invaders attacked the city of Kherson nine times. Enemy projectiles hit residential areas, detached houses and apartment blocks, as well as a pre-school educational facility and a health facility. As a result, one civilian was reported injured.

February 24. Last night Russian troops were shelling the Dnipropetrovsk region’s Nikopol district. A gas pipeline and power transmission lines were damaged, and destructions were reported.

The relevant statement was made by Dnipropetrovsk Regional Military Administration Head Serhii Lysak on Telegram.

“Last night the aggressor struck the Nikopol district with heavy artillery nine times. Deadly projectiles hit Nikopol and Marhanets,” the report states.

In Nikopol, three educational institutions were seriously damaged. An administrative building, two private enterprises and a store were hit. Ten apartment blocks and 11 detached houses were damaged, as well as household buildings and vehicles. A gas pipeline and power transmission line were also affected.

In Marhanets, a total of 12 detached houses and 10 household buildings were damaged, as well as a gas pipeline and a power transmission line. A car caught fire but had already been extinguished.

February 24. Five civilians have been injured in Russia’s shelling of the Donetsk region over the past day.

The relevant statement was made by Donetsk Regional Military Administration Head Pavlo Kyrylenko on Telegram.

“On February 24, 2023, Russians injured five civilians in the Donetsk region: two in Chasiv Yar, one in Bakhmut, one in Donetske and one in Kostiantynivka,” Kyrylenko wrote. Additionally, it is now impossible to count the exact number of casualties in Mariupol and Volnovakha, Kyrylenko noted.

February 23. About 3.3 million children in Ukraine require help, and 1.5 million of them have been affected by the war.

That’s according to the executive chief of the Austrian branch of the UN Children's Fund, UNICEF, Christoph Junger, who spoke at a press conference in Vienna, Ukrinform reports citing APA.

"3.3 million children in Ukraine need help. According to UNICEF estimates, 1.5 million of them have been affected by war," the official said.

According to UNICEF, 487 children have died as of today amid Russian aggression against Ukraine, and another 954 have been injured.

February 23. Since the beginning of the full-scale war, Russia has launched almost 5,000 missile strikes and 3,500 airstrikes on objects throughout the territory of Ukraine, as well as almost 1,100 strikes using drones.

"Overall, since the beginning of the full-scale armed aggression of the Russian occupation forces, almost 5,000 missile strikes and almost 3,500 airstrikes have been launched on objects in the territory of Ukraine. Almost 1,100 strikes have been launched using unmanned aerial vehicles," Brigadier General Oleksiy Hromov, the Deputy Chief of the Main Operational Department of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, said at a briefing, an Ukrinform correspondent reports.

Hromov added that the Ukrainian defenders had destroyed six enemy aircraft and two helicopters, shot down 80 cruise missiles and 84 drones this month.

February 23. In Volnovakha direction, Donetsk region, the Russian troops launched three rocket attacks on the village of Bahatyr at night. In the morning, the invaders shelled Avdiivka twice with artillery and twice with Grad MLRS. Houses were damaged, people were injured.

"In Volnovakha direction, the Russians fired three rockets at Bahatyr in Velyka Novosilka territorial community at night and destroyed a house... In the morning, the Russians shelled Avdiivka twice with artillery and twice with Grad MLRS, damaging houses and injuring a person," Pavlo Kyrylenko, Head of the Donetsk Regional Military Administration, posted on Telegram and published photos of destruction.

February 24. Russian invaders launched 71 attacks on the Kherson region on February 22, killing two people. Oleksandr Prokudin, head of the Kherson regional military administration, said this in a Telegram post.

According to him, on February 22, Russian troops carried out 71 attacks on the Kherson region, including two of them on Kherson city.

The settlements of Antonivka, Zelenivka, Chornobaivka, Tiahynka and Novotiahynka came under enemy artillery fire. "There are civilian casualties - two people died," Prokudin said.

February 23. Since the beginning of the full-scale war with the Russian Federation, 345 children are considered missing in Ukraine.

"According to the data of the Children of War children's search portal, 345 children are considered missing, 16,221 children were deported, and 9,909 children were found as of February 22, 2023 [in Ukraine]," the press service of the Office of the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights posted on Facebook.

As reported, during a meeting with the Ukrainian community in New York, Commissioner of the President of Ukraine for Children's Rights and Rehabilitation Daria Herasymchuk said that 16,226 children abducted by Russia in the occupied territories of Ukraine had been identified so far.

February 23. Ukraine may curb the production of agricultural products and food this year as more than 2.6 million hectares of farmlands require demining due to Russian aggression.

That’s according to Yuliya Svyrydenko, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economy of Ukraine, who spoke in Brussels after the meeting of the Committee of Permanent Representatives of the EU (COREPER II).

"This year, there may be a drop in the volume of agricultural output, because 2.6 million hectares require demining. This issue is also being discussed here in Brussels. The demining program may take years, but we must start it now... Practical tools for recovery must be implemented now, without waiting for the end of the war," said Svyrydenko.

February 23. According to the UN Human Rights Office’s monitoring mission in Ukraine, at least 8,006 civilians were killed and 13,287 civilians were injured over the past 12 months of Russia’s full-scale aggression against Ukraine.

“These numbers, which we are publishing today, lay bare the loss and suffering inflicted on people since Russia’s armed attack began on 24 February last year; suffering I saw for myself first hand when I visited Ukraine in December. And our data are only the tip of the iceberg,” UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Volker Türk said.

As noted, amid electricity and water shortages during the cold winter months, nearly 18 million people are in dire need of humanitarian assistance. Some 14 million people have been displaced from their homes.

February 21. As a result of the enemy shelling of Kherson city in the afternoon of February 21, five people were killed and sixteen more were hospitalized.

"As of now, 21 people were killed and injured in the Russian army shelling of Kherson this afternoon," the Kherson City Council posted on Telegram.

February 21. In the afternoon of February 21, Russian troops again shelled Kupyansk in Kharkiv region, injuring a civilian.

"Around 13:00, the occupiers struck the town of Kupyansk again. An enemy shell hit a private house. Unfortunately, a 68-year-old man was injured. He was hospitalized in moderate condition," Oleh Synehubov, Head of the Kharkiv Regional Military Administration, posted on Telegram.

In addition, according to the governor, the enemy is shelling Dvorichna, Kupyansk district, and Vovchansk, Chuhuiv district.

"[The enemy] hits only the private residential sector. Several buildings were damaged," Synehubov added.

As reported, the invaders attacked Kupyansk with S-300 missiles after 23:00 on February 20, damaging a kindergarten and a sports facility.

February 21. The enemy shelled a public transport stop and residential buildings in Kherson on Tuesday, killing six people and wounding at least 12.

Ukraine's South Operational Command said this in a Facebook post.

"In Kherson, the enemy hit residential neighborhoods, critical infrastructure facilities, a kindergarten, a hospital, private garages and cars," the report said.

It added that several buildings had been severely damaged, whereas in apartment blocks, several apartments caught fire due to a direct hit.

A local market and a public transport stop also came under attack.

February 21. Russian troops have attacked energy infrastructure in the Kherson region, leaving the Kherson suburb of Zymivnyk and three settlements of the Bilozerka community without electricity supply.

That's according to the Kherson regional military administration.

"Yesterday and tonight, the Russian occupiers shelled the energy infrastructure of the Kherson region," the report said.

Due to damage to power lines, there is no power supply in the settlements of Kizomys, Veletenske and Honcharne in the Bilozerka community. In total, 804 households remain without electricity.

The nighttime enemy shelling also left the Kherson suburb of Zymivnyk without power as 538 metering points were disconnected from the voltage.

February 21. Russian troops attacked Ukraine’s Kherson region 58 times in the past day, killing at least two civilians.

That’s according to the Kherson Regional Military Administration.

According to officials, the invaders hit peaceful settlements employing multiple rocket launchers, mortars, artillery, tanks, and drones. A missile attack was also carried out.

The Russian army attacked Kherson six times, damaging some residential buildings.

February 21. The Russian army killed three civilians and injured five more in Donetsk region on February 20.

Pavlo Kyrylenko, head of the Donetsk regional military administration, said this in a Telegram post.

"On February 20, Russians killed three residents of Donetsk region: two in Bakhmut and one in Ivanopillia. Five more people were injured,” he wrote. He noted that it is currently impossible to establish the exact number of victims in Mariupol and Volnovakha.

February 21. Russian aggressors launched a missile attack on Kupiansk, Kharkiv region, in the evening of February 21.

Serhii Melnyk, head of the Kharkiv military garrison, reported this on Telegram.

"The enemy struck Kupiansk with S-300 missiles. Information about the destruction and casualties is being clarified," he said. Later, Melnyk reported that there were more missile launches, but they were unsuccessful.

February 20. the Russian army hit Zaporizhzhia suburbs with Iskander-K missiles.

"Today, the enemy attacked the suburbs of the regional center with Iskander-K missiles, according to preliminary data. A field near private houses was hit. A residential building and a car were damaged by the blast wave," the Zaporizhzhia Regional Military Administration posted on Telegram.

No casualties were reported.

Over the past day, the occupiers shelled civilian infrastructure in the area of Malynivka, Mala Tokmachka, Huliaypole, Zaliznychne, Charivne, Orikhiv, Olhivske, Novoandriivka, Bilohirya, Shcherbaky, Staroukrainka, Pavlivka, Novodanylivka, Stepove, and Kamyanske settlements.

February 20. The Russian troops have struck Nikopol district with heavy artillery three times today.

"Russian occupation army has struck Nikopol district three times today. Enemy's heavy artillery shells hit Marhanets and Chervonohryhorivka communities," Serhiy Lysak, Head of the Dnipropetrovsk Regional Military Administration, posted on Telegram. Rescuers work at the sites of shelling, establishing the consequences of attacks.

February 20. Russian forces are using prohibited incendiary and phosphorous munitions to shell the right bank of Kherson region.

The Operational Command South said in a Facebook post that the facts of the use of prohibited incendiary and phosphorous munitions were discovered and recorded.

According to the Operational Command South, as a result of the shelling of Burhunka village, three people were killed, eight more were injured, including three children, two of whom became orphans. The victims were hospitalized with numerous injuries. Their condition is serious, but all the necessary assistance is being provided.

February 20. The Russian army shelled the Kherson region 75 times on February 19, killing three people and wounding eight others, including three children.

Kherson Regional Military Administration said this in a post on the Telegram.

"Yesterday, due to Russian aggression in the Kherson region, three people were killed and eight people sustained injuries of different degrees of severity. Three children were injured by Russian shelling: 8- and 13-year-old boys, as well as a 10-year-old girl," the report said.

According to the regional military administration, on February 19, Russian aggressors shelled peaceful settlements in the Kherson region 75 times. They used MLRS, mortars, artillery, tanks and UAVs. The Russian army shelled Kherson city nine times. Enemy shells hit residential buildings.

Volodymyr Lytvynov, head of Beryslav District Military Administration, in turn, wrote on Telegram the Russian army did not stop striking the settlements of the Beryslav district. In the past day, the enemy shelled the territorial communities of Beryslav, Novooleksandrivka and Tiahynka. The city of Beryslav and the villages of Novoberyslav, Zmiivka, Mykhailivka, Tiahynka, Lvove, Burhunka and Odradokamianka came under enemy fire.

February 20. The Russian army has already killed 461 children in Ukraine and left at least 926 injured.

According to Ukrinform, the Ukrainian Prosecutor General's Office said this in a Telegram post.

"As of the morning of February 20, 2023, more than 1,387 children were affected by Russia's full-scale armed aggression in Ukraine. According to official figures from juvenile prosecutors, 461 children have been killed and more than 926 have been injured," the post read.

The figures are not final as work is ongoing to determine the number of child casualties in areas of hostilities and temporarily captured and liberated territories.

Most children were killed or injured in the Donetsk region - 445, Kharkiv region - 272, Kyiv region - 123, Kherson region - 89, Zaporizhzhia region - 84, Mykolaiv region - 83, Chernihiv region - 68, Luhansk region - 66, and Dnipropetrovsk region - 64.

February 20. The army of the Russian Federation killed three residents of Donetsk region over the past day, February 19. "On February 19, the Russians killed three residents of Donetsk region: in Bakhmut, Bohdanivka, and Avdiivka. Another person in the region was injured," Pavlo Kyrylenko, Head of the Donetsk Regional Military Administration, posted on Telegram.

Kyrylenko also emphasized that it is currently impossible to establish the exact number of casualties in Mariupol and Volnovakha.

February 20. Prosecutor General of Ukraine Andriy Kostin has stated that Russia uses sexual violence as a weapon of war.

As the Prosecutor General's Office posted on Telegram, Kostin discussed numerous international crimes committed by the Russian army in Ukraine, including sexual violence, with British MP Alicia Kearns at a meeting in Munich.

"Russia uses sexual violence as a weapon of war. We record such cases wherever the Russian military was stationed," Kostin said.

Prosecutor General Andriy Kostin also added, that mass forced deportation of Ukrainians from temporarily occupied territories is evidence of genocide committed by Russia.

"If we talk about genocide in Ukraine, then we must also talk about the forced deportation of Ukrainian adults and children. Forced displacement is an obvious proof of genocide" - he noted.

February 19. Two women have been injured in Russia’s shelling of the Kharkiv region today.

The relevant statement was made by the Ukrainian Prosecutor General’s Office on Telegram.

Under the procedural guidance of the Chuhuiv, Derhachi and Kupiansk district prosecutor’s offices in the Kharkiv region, pre-trial investigations were launched into the violations of the laws and customs of war (Art. 438 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine).

Around 11:00 a.m., February 19, 2023, Russian troops again shelled the city of Vovchansk. A local resident was injured.

Around 04:00 p.m., the enemy opened fire on the Kharkiv district’s village of Lyptsi. A detached house and garage were damaged.

Two women, 50 and 32, were reported injured in the village of Lyptsi, Kharkiv Regional Military Administration Head Oleh Syniehubov noted on Telegram. They were taken to hospital and are receiving medical aid.

Additionally, a 40-year-old man was injured in Russia’s shelling of the Kupiansk district’s Kruhliakivka.

In Kupiansk, Russian projectiles caused damage to a civilian enterprise, filling station and garages. Fires broke out.

In the Kupiansk district’s Dvorichna, a fire and salvage unit, health facility, private garages and cars were damaged.

February 19. Russian troops shelled three settlements in border areas of Chernihiv region on February 19.

The Operational Command North said this in a Telegram post.

In particular, from 12:05 to 12:10, two strikes, presumably from a 120mm mortar, were recorded in Yanzhulivka settlement.

From 12:20 to 12:40, there were 11 strikes, presumably from a 120mm mortar, in Karpovychi settlement.

From 12:20 to 12:40, 11 strikes, presumably from a 120mm mortar, were recorded in Tymonovychi settlement.

There were no losses among military personnel and equipment. There were no civilian casualties or damage to civilian infrastructure.

February 19. In the Kherson community, houses, gas and water pipelines were damaged as a result of Russian shelling. The Kherson City Council said this in a Telegram post.

"On the morning of February 19, the Russian army shelled the Kherson community six times. The Korabelnyi district and Antonivka village came under fire," the report says.

It is noted that Russian attacks damaged houses, gas and water pipelines. There were no civilian casualties.

February 19. Three relatives were killed in their home in the village of Burhunka, Kherson region, during the morning shelling by the Russian invasion forces. That’s according to the regional military administration.

"On Sunday morning, the Russian forces covered the village of Burhunka in the Beryslav district with massive artillery fire. The enemy is targeting peaceful civilians. One of the enemy shells hit the yard of a local residents’ home. At the time of the shelling, a family were staying inside - three adults and two children," the report reads.

February 19. As a result of Russia’s full-scale armed aggression, 461 children were killed and 924 more were injured in Ukraine.

“As of the morning of February 19, 2023, more than 1,385 children were affected in Ukraine as a result of the full-scale armed aggression of the Russian Federation. According to the official information provided by juvenile prosecutors, 461 children were killed and more than 924 received injuries of various degrees of severity,” the Ukrainian Prosecutor General's Office wrote on Telegram.

It is noted that these figures are not final, as work is underway in the areas of active hostilities, in the temporarily occupied and liberated territories.

Most children were affected in Donetsk region - 445, Kharkiv region - 272, Kyiv region - 123, Kherson region - 87, Zaporizhzhia region – 84, Mykolaiv region - 83, Chernihiv region - 68, Luhansk region - 66, and Dnipropetrovsk region – 64.

February 19. Russian invaders shelled 10 settlements in Kharkiv region over the past day, February 18. One civilian was killed and two more were injured.

Oleh Syniehubov, head of the Kharkiv Regional Military Administration, said this in a Telegram post.

"Over the past day, Russian troops shelled civilians and civilian infrastructure in at least 10 border settlements in the Chuhuiv, Kupiansk, and Kharkiv districts," Syniehubov wrote.

In Kupiansk, as a result of enemy strikes, an administrative building, garages and cars were damaged, and fires broke out. In Dvorichna village, the Kupiansk district, the building of an emergency medical care was affected.

In Kivsharivka village, the Kupiansk district, a 53-year-old man and a 57-year-old woman were injured. They were hospitalized in moderate condition. The building of an educational institution was seriously damaged by shelling.

In Vovchansk, the Chuhuiv district, an enemy shell hit a private house, killing a man.

Humanitarian demining continues in the region’s territories liberated from the Russian invaders. During the day, 89 explosives were neutralized.

February 19. In the morning of February 19, the Russian army launched a missile attack on Druzhkivka, Donetsk region. Pavlo Kyrylenko, head of the Donetsk regional military administration, said this in a Telegram post.

"The occupiers launched a missile attack on Druzhkivka this morning. At least two multi-story buildings and a private car were damaged," he wrote. According to Kyrylenko, information about the victims is being verified.

The regional governor emphasized: "Druzhkivka is a city located relatively far from the front line, but it is constantly subjected to missile attacks by Russian terrorist forces."

February 19. Russian troops again have struck the Dnipropetrovsk region’s Nikopol with heavy artillery. Power transmission lines and houses were damaged.

The relevant statement was made by Dnipropetrovsk Regional Council Head Mykola Lukashuk on Telegram.

“In the Nikopol district, air raid sirens had been ringing out for about 13 hours due to the threat of artillery strikes,” Lukashuk wrote.

February 19. Two civilians have been injured in Russia’s shelling of the Donetsk region over the past day.

The relevant statement was made by Donetsk Regional Military Administration Head Pavlo Kyrylenko on Telegram.

“On February 18, 2023, Russians injured two civilians in the Donetsk region, namely in Bakhmut and Vozdvyzhenka,” Kyrylenko wrote.

Additionally, it is now impossible to count the exact number of casualties in Mariupol and Volnovakha, Kyrylenko noted.

February 19. Russian invaders shelled Kherson region 55 times, injuring two civilians.

The Kherson Regional Military Administration said in a Telegram post that populated areas were struck with multiple launch rocket systems, mortars, artillery, infantry fighting vehicles and unmanned aerial vehicles.

The Russian army shelled Kherson city nine times, damaging residential buildings.

It is stressed that two civilians in Kherson region sustained injuries of varying degrees of severity due to Russian shelling.

February 18. Russian troops shelled four communities in Sumy region, 75 explosions were recorded.

The Sumy Regional Military Administration said this in a Facebook post.

"During the day, the enemy shelled four territorial communities of the region: Khotin, Bilopillia, Novoslobidske, and Putyvl. More than 75 explosions were recorded," the report says.

February 18. On Saturday, Russian troops once again shelled the border areas of Sumy region with mortars. A cemetery in Kozache village came under enemy fire.

“From 16:40 to 17:00, eleven strikes, probably from a 120mm mortar, were recorded in the area of a village cemetery,” the Operational Command “North” posted on Telegram.

No military personnel losses or damage to equipment were reported. Information about civilian casualties or damage to civilian infrastructure is being clarified.

February 18. On Saturday, the Russian army shelled two communities in Nikopol district, Dnipropetrovsk region.

"The enemy struck Nikopol with heavy artillery thrice. In the city, a healthcare facility, two educational institutions, a lawyer's office, almost a dozen apartment blocks, and power grids were damaged," Mykola Lukashuk, Head of the Dnipropetrovsk Regional Council, posted on Telegram.

The occupiers also hit Marhanets. As a result of the attack, two residential buildings and an outbuilding were damaged. No casualties were reported.

No shelling was recorded in other districts of Dnipropetrovsk region during the day.

February 18. One civilian has been killed and two injured in Russia’s shelling of the Kharkiv region today. The relevant statement was made by Kharkiv Regional Military Administration Head Oleh Syniehubov on Telegram.

“The Kupiansk and Chuhuiv districts have been under enemy fire today,” Syniehubov wrote.

Around 02:00 p.m., two civilians were injured in the village of Kivsharivka. They were in the street, as the enemy shelling occurred. A woman, 57, and a man, 53, were taken to hospital. The building of an educational institution was damaged.

February 18. A Russian missile hit a military facility in Khmelnytskyi in the morning of February 18.

Serhiy Hamalii, head of the Khmelnytskyi Regional Military Administration, said this during the nationwide telethon Yedyni Novyny.

“At nine o’clock, terrorists launched two strikes: one hit a military facility, the second hit civilian facilities nearby," Hamalii said.

According to him, there is destruction in the city as a result of the missile strike. A large-scale fire broke out on an area of 100 square meters. However, it has now been extinguished.

The official did not specify which of the objects caught fire as a result of the shelling.

Cafés and shops, as well as residential buildings, were damaged in the city.

As of 12:20, it became known that two residents of the city were injured: a man received a shrapnel wound in the leg, and a woman was hit by the door. They were provided with the necessary medical assistance, the condition of both wounded is stable. There are problems with electricity supply in the neighborhood hit by the missiles.

In addition, due to the shelling, the movement of trolleybuses on two routes was changed.

February 18. During this morning missile attack, two enemy cruise missiles flew dangerously close to the South Ukraine Nuclear Power Plant (NPP).

The press service of NNEGC Energoatom said this in a Telegram post.

"Russia has once again committed an act of nuclear terrorism. Today, February 18, 2023, during another Russian massive missile attack, at 08:25 and 08:27, two enemy cruise missiles were recorded over the South Ukraine NPP," the report says.

The objects were moving along the Southern Buh River in the direction of the city of Pervomaisk, Mykolaiv region, and flew dangerously close to the nuclear facility.

February 18. Russian troops have shelled at least 15 settlements in the Kharkiv region over the past day. A man was reported killed.

The relevant statement was made by Kharkiv Regional Military Administration Head Oleh Syniehubov on Telegram.

“Over the past day, the enemy has used cannon and rocket artillery, tanks and mortars to attack at least 15 settlements in such districts as Kharkiv, Kupiansk and Chuhuiv. The air strike was launched on the city of Vovchansk,” Syniehubov wrote.

February 18. Emergency power outages have been introduced in the city of Kyiv and such regions as Kyiv, Odesa and Dnipropetrovsk due to the threat of Russian missile attack.

The relevant statement was made by Ukraine’s largest energy holding company, DTEK, on Telegram.

“This is a forced preventive step that will help energy infrastructure to avoid significant damage if enemy missiles reach the target,” the report states.

February 18. In the morning of February 18, 2023, some explosions were heard in the city of Khmelnytskyi.

The relevant statement was made by Khmelnytskyi Regional Military Administration Head Serhii Hamalii on Telegram.

“An explosion was heard in Khmelnytskyi,” Hamalii wrote. Hamalii called on local residents to stay in bomb shelters. It is worth noting that air raid sirens are ringing out across Ukraine right now.

February 18. Over the past day, February 17, the troops of the Russian Federation killed three civilians and injured five more in Donetsk region.

"On February 17, the Russians killed three residents of Donetsk region: two in Bakhmut and one in Ivanopil," Pavlo Kyrylenko, Head of the Donetsk Regional Military Administration, posted on Telegram.

Five more people were injured in the region.

Currently, it is impossible to establish the exact number of casualties in Mariupol and Volnovakha.

February 17. On Friday, the Russians shelled Kherson city and its suburbs, killing one person and damaging the building of the Kherson Faculty of the Odesa University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and a visa center.

"On the evening of February 17, the Russian army shelled Kherson community 10 times... Unfortunately, a resident of Sadove village was killed," the Kherson City Council posted on Telegram.

As noted, Ostriv and Zhytloselyshche micro-districts and the village of Sadove came under fire.

The building of the Kherson Faculty of the Odesa University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and a visa center were damaged. Private houses were destroyed.

February 17. About 150,000 illegally deported Ukrainian children may now stay in the territory of Russia.

"As of yesterday, there are 16,207 officially verified children in the territory of the Russian Federation. These are children that I, as the ombudsman, know about. I know which Ukrainian city these children are from and where they roughly stay in the territory of the Russian Federation. In reality, the number of such children is much higher. We assume that this number reaches about 150,000 children. Russia says that they keep 733,000 Ukrainian children in their territory. However, in our opinion, this figure is exaggerated," Dmytro Lubinets, the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights, told an Ukrinform correspondent in Ivano-Frankivsk in a comment.

According to him, most children were taken to Russia from the temporarily occupied regions, namely Luhansk, Donetsk, Kherson, Zaporizhzhia regions and Crimea. Other violations were recorded there.

February 17. Russian troops have already killed 461 children and injured 923 children in its full-scale war against Ukraine.

"As of the morning of February 17, 2023, more than 1,384 children were killed and injured in Ukraine as a result of the full-scale armed aggression of the Russian Federation. According to the official information of the juvenile prosecutors, 461 children were killed and more than 923 children received injuries of various degrees of severity," the Prosecutor General's Office posted on Telegram.

The Prosecutor General's Office emphasized that the indicated numbers are not final as the efforts are ongoing to establish casualties in the areas of hostilities, in temporarily occupied and liberated territories.

Most children were killed and injured in Donetsk region – 444, Kharkiv region – 272, Kyiv region – 123, Kherson region – 87, Zaporizhzhia region – 84, Mykolaiv region – 83, Chernihiv region – 68, Luhansk region – 66, Dnipropetrovsk region – 64.

February 17. Over the past day, February 16, Russian troops attacked Kherson region 76 times, killing three civilians and injuring seven more.

"Russian invaders attacked Kherson region 76 times, using MLRS, mortars, artillery, tanks, and UAVs," the Kherson Regional Military Administration posted on Telegram.

It is noted that the Russian army attacked Kherson city nine times, again targeting the residential neighborhoods. The invaders hit a commercial port and residential buildings.

Three people were killed and seven more received injuries of various degrees of severity in the Russian shelling of Kherson region yesterday.

February 17. The Russian army killed five civilians and injured ten more in Donetsk region on February 16.

Pavlo Kyrylenko, head of the Donetsk regional military administration, said this in a Telegram post, Ukrinform reports.

"On February 16, Russians killed five residents of Donetsk region – in Bakhmut. Then more people in Donetsk region were injured,” he wrote.

February 17. Russian troops launched a missile attack on the city of Kharkiv, presumably using S-300 missiles.

Oleh Syniehubov, head of the Kharkiv Regional Military Administration, said this in a Telegram post.

"According to preliminary information, Kharkiv was hit by enemy S-300 missiles. The occupiers’ targets were infrastructural facilities again," the report says.

Syniehubov noted that information about victims and the scale of destruction is being clarified.

February 17. On February 16, 69 explosions were recorded in Sumy region as a result of Russian shelling.

According to the Sumy Regional State Administration, Russian terrorists shelled seven territorial communities: Velyka Pysarivka, Esman, Khotin, Nova Sloboda, Bilopillia, Krasnopillia, and Shalyhyne.

In the Velyka Pysarivka community, from 09:50, Russians fired mortars – 10 explosions were recorded. The Esman community: two mortar attacks were recorded - 11 explosions in total. The Khotin community came under enemy artillery shelling - 9 explosions.

February 16. A couple was killed in the Russian shelling of the village of Zmiivka, Kherson region, on the morning of February 16.

"Another tragic morning in Kherson region. A couple – a man and a woman – was killed in the Russian shelling of the village of Zmiivka, Beryslav district," the Kherson Regional Military Administration informs.

It is noted that an enemy shell slammed into their house at dawn.

The Kherson City Council informs that the Russian army shelled the territory of Kherson community twice on the morning of February 16.

Ostriv microdistrict and the city center were under fire. No casualties were reported.

Also, the city council informs that heating networks and a boiler house in the city's center were again damaged in the nighttime shelling. The heating supply was already restored.

As reported, Russian invaders shelled Kherson region 52 times over the past day, injuring three people.

February 16. In addition, the occupiers launched airstrikes on Hraniv and Udy. "Yesterday, after the morning shelling of Kupyansk, at least six private houses and outbuildings were damaged. Fires broke out. The village of Dvorichna also was under enemy fire. Windows were broken in several private houses there," Synehubov added.

At 11:00, Russian troops shelled the village of Svitlychne in Zolochiv territorial community with Uragan multiple rocket launchers. One household and power lines were damaged.

After 11:00, the enemy hit Vovchansk with artillery. Three private houses were damaged there. At night, after 23:00, the Russians struck Kupyansk again. A hangar, garages, and five cars, including two buses, burnt down. The area of the fire was 700 sqm.

"Fortunately, there were no casualties. Active fighting continues on the contact line. Our defenders are reliably holding their positions and repelling the enemy," said the regional governor.

As reported, 29 settlements in Kupyansk district in Kharkiv region remain temporarily occupied.

February 16. Russian troops struck the settlements of three districts in Kharkiv region. The towns of Vovchansk and Kupyansk suffer the most.

"Over the past day, the settlements of Kupyansk, Chuhuiv, and Bohodukhiv districts of the region came under enemy fire," Oleh Synehubov, Head of the Kharkiv Regional Military Administration, posted on Telegram.

In particular, the enemy fired tanks, mortars, and artillery at Hrianykivka, Kupyansk, Vovchansk, Dvorichna, Svitlychne, and other settlements.

February 16. Russian invaders shelled Kherson region 52 times, injuring three civilians. In the regional center, the enemy targeted a wharf, a botanical garden, and the homes of Kherson residents.

"Over the past day, three people received injuries of varying degrees of severity in Russian shelling of Kherson region," the Kherson Regional Military Administration informs.

As noted, Russian invaders attacked Kherson region 52 times. Peaceful settlements of the region were struck with MLRS, mortars, artillery, tanks, and UAVs.

The Russian army attacked Kherson city 21 times, targeting residential neighborhoods of the city. It is noted that enemy shells slammed into a wharf, a botanical garden, and the homes of Kherson residents.

February 16. Last night Russian missiles hit infrastructure facilities in the Kirovohrad region’s Kropyvnytskyi district, the Poltava region’s Kremenchuk and the Lviv region. The relevant statements were made by regional military administrations, an Ukrinform correspondent reports.

“A restless night. Survived another enemy missile attack. In the early morning hours, an infrastructure object was hit in the Kropyvnytskyi district. Emergency services are working at the scene,” Kirovohrad Regional Military Administration Head Andrii Raikovych wrote on Telegram. In his words, no casualties were reported.

Three Russian missiles also struck a critical infrastructure facility in the Lviv region, Lviv Regional Military Administration Head Maksym Kozytskyi noted on Telegram.

According to Kozytskyi, it was not a power generating facility. Thus, the damage caused will not affect power supply services in the Lviv region. Civilians remained unharmed.

Additionally, a critical infrastructure facility was hit by Russian missiles in the Poltava region’s Kremenchuk.

“Two Russian missiles struck a critical infrastructure facility in Kremenchuk,” Poltava Regional Military Administration Head Dmytro Lunin wrote on Telegram.

In his words, enemy drones were also detected in the Poltava district during Russia’s overnight attack. The anti-aircraft defense units activated. No casualties were reported.

February 16. Six civilians have been killed and 13 injured in Russia’s shelling of the Donetsk region over the past day. The relevant statement was made by Donetsk Regional Military Administration Head Pavlo Kyrylenko on Telegram.

“On February 15, 2023, Russians killed six civilians in the Donetsk region: three in Pokrovsk, two in Bakhmut and one in Avdiivka. Thirteen more people were injured,” Kyrylenko wrote.

Additionally, it is now impossible to count the exact number of casualties in Mariupol and Volnovakha, Kyrylenko noted.

February 16. Russian troops struck the Dnipropetrovsk region’s Pavlohrad with missiles. One civilian was reported killed and seven injured.

The relevant statement was made by Dnipropetrovsk Regional Military Administration Head Serhii Lysak on Telegram.

February 16. On the night of February 16, 2023, the Armed Forces of Ukraine destroyed 16 out of 36 missiles fired by Russian troops. The relevant statement was made by Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Valerii Zaluzhnyi on Telegram.

According to Zaluzhnyi, Russia again targeted Ukraine’s critical infrastructure with missiles.

“Between 01:40 a.m. and 03:45 a.m., February 16, 2023, the enemy fired air- and sea-launched cruise missiles, guided anti-aircraft and anti-ship missiles,” Zaluzhnyi wrote.

In general, Russia used 36 missiles, namely 12 Kh-101/555 air-launched cruise missiles, eight Kalibr-type sea-launched cruise missiles, 12 Kh-22 air-launched anti-ship missiles, three Kh-59/31 guided anti-aircraft missiles, one Oniks anti-ship missile.

Russian missiles were fired by the Tu-22M3 and Tu-95ms strategic bombers from near Kursk and the Caspian Sea, as well as the Su-35 aircraft from the temporarily occupied city of Melitopol and cruise missile carriers from the Black Sea.

The Armed Forces of Ukraine shot down 14 enemy cruise missiles and two guided anti-aircraft missiles, Zaluzhnyi noted.

February 16. During the air raid alert announced throughout Ukraine in the early hours of Thursday, February 16, a critical infrastructure object was hit in Lviv region.

This was stated by the head of the Lviv Regional Military Administration, Maksym Kozytskyi.

According to the official, no casualties were reported. The fire was put out. The administration will follow up on the details of the incident. In Lviv region, the air raid alert lasted from 02:54 to 04:26.

February 16. In the Donetsk region’s Pokrovsk, the rescue operation at the site of a 5-storey apartment block hit by Russian projectiles has been completed.

The relevant statement was made by Donetsk Regional Military Administration Head Pavlo Kyrylenko on Telegram.

“According to the final data, three civilians were killed and 11 injured,” Kyrylenko wrote.

In his words, one person was taken to hospital in grave condition.

In general, four apartment blocks and a school were damaged in Russia’s shelling of Pokrovsk.

On February 15, 2023, Russian projectiles hit a 5-storey apartment block in the Donetsk region’s Pokrovsk, having smashed the upper floors of two sections.

February 15. The enemy struck Nikopol district in Dnipropetrovsk region with heavy artillery.

"The long-suffering Nikopol district once again came under fire today: the Russian army struck it with heavy artillery three times," Mykola Lukashuk, Head of the Dnipropetrovsk Regional Council, posted on Telegram.

In particular, Myrove and Marhanets communities came under fire. At present, the consequences are being investigated, and no casualties have been reported so far.

As reported, the enemy army is shelling Nikopol district from the territory of the occupied Enerhodar and the captured bank of the Kakhovka Reservoir.

February 15. Ukrainian law enforcers found the bodies of 27 dead civilians in de-occupied Snihurivka, Mykolaiv region.

Dmytro Kazak, head of the Mykolaiv Regional Prosecutor's Office, said this at a briefing on February 15, an Ukrinform correspondent reports.

"The bodies of 27 dead civilians were found in de-occupied Snihurivka. All of them have signs of violent death, in particular, bullet wounds, explosive injuries, etc. Criminal proceedings have been initiated, individuals involved in these crimes are being established," Kazak said.

February 15. In Donetsk region, Russian troops struck Pokrovsk, as a result of which a high-rise residential building was damaged and at least two civilians were injured. Two people were rescued from under the rubble. The rescue operation is ongoing.

That’s according to the head of the Donetsk Regional Military Administration, Pavlo Kyrylenko, who reported the news on Telegram, posting photos of the destruction.

February 15. In Donetsk region, the Russian invaders were shelling Chasiv Yar town with Grad MLRS for three hours and the village of Vesele was struck with tanks late in the evening.

"The Russians shelled the village of Vesele in Ocheretyne community with tanks late in the evening... Chasiv Yar was under Grad MLRS fire for three hours. At least 12 houses, an enterprise, an industrial zone, and a gas pipeline were damaged. Fortunately, there were no casualties," Pavlo Kyrylenko, Head of the Donetsk Regional Military Administration, posted on Telegram and published photos of the destruction.

In Donetsk direction, the night was relatively calm. Sporadic strikes on Marinka, Krasnohorivka, and Katerynivka in Marinka community, the outskirts of Kurakhove community and Avdiivka were recorded.

Kyrylenko noted that Kostiantynivka was hit with a missile in Horlivka direction yesterday. A person was injured, four apartment blocks and a cultural center were damaged.

February 15. The Kremlin forcibly relocates and deports thousands of children from the occupied Ukrainian territories deep into Russia, using 43 camps and other facilities.

A relevant statement was made by Ned Price, Spokesperson for the U.S. Department of State, referring to the Conflict Observatory report.

“A report released today details Russia’s systematic government‑wide efforts to permanently relocate thousands of Ukraine’s children to areas under Russian Government control via a network of 43 camps and other facilities,” the representative of the U.S. Department of State said.

February 15. On Wednesday morning, the Russian military shelled the town of Kupyansk, Kharkiv region, damaging private houses.

"Kharkiv region, February 15. The enemy does not stop shelling the positions of our troops and the settlements near the contact line. The areas of at least 20 settlements came under enemy shelling over the past day," Oleh Synehubov, Head of the Kharkiv Regional Military Administration, posted on Telegram.

In Kupyansk direction, the enemy shelled Krokhmalne, Berestove, Tabaivka, Kupyansk, and Dvorichna with tanks, mortars, and artillery.

Veterynarne, Hraniv, Strilecha, Hlyboke, Vovchansk, Chuhunivka also came under enemy fire.

In the town of Kupyansk, an apartment block was significantly damaged as a result of rocket fire.

"Today, at 07:00, Kupyansk was attacked again. Three private houses and outbuildings were damaged. Fires broke out," Synehubov wrote.

Over the past day, the explosives technicians of the State Emergency Service removed and defused 10 explosive objects.

As reported, the Ukrainian troops repelled Russia’s attacks in the areas of more than 20 settlements, including Hrianykivka in Kharkiv region, on February 14.

Photo: Oleh Synehubov, Telegram

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February 15. Over the past day, Russian invaders shelled Kherson region 38 times, injuring two civilians.

"Two people received injuries of varying degrees of severity in Russian shelling of Kherson region over the past day," the Kherson Regional Military Administration reports.

As noted, peaceful settlements were attacked 38 times with MLRS, mortars, and artillery.

February 15. One civilian has been killed and one more injured in Russia’s shelling of the Donetsk region over the past day.

The relevant statement was made by Donetsk Regional Military Administration Head Pavlo Kyrylenko on Telegram.

“On February 14, 2023, Russians killed one civilian in the Donetsk region, namely in Kostiantynivka. One more person was injured,” Kyrylenko wrote.

Additionally, it is now impossible to count the exact number of casualties in Mariupol and Volnovakha, Kyrylenko noted.

February 15. Russian troops shelled three territorial communities of Sumy region, 34 explosions were recorded.

The Sumy Regional Military Administration said this in a Facebook post.

"During the day, the enemy shelled three territorial communities of the region: Bilopillia, Yunakivka, and Seredyna-Buda communities. About 34 ‘hits’ were recorded," the report says.

The enemy fired four mortars and dropped two explosives (presumably VOG) from drones in Yunakivka community.

The Bilopillia community was shelled from the territory of Russia with an automatic grenade launcher AGS - 28 explosions and 6 automatic gun rounds were recorded.

Two explosions were recorded in the Seredyna-Buda community.

February 14. A healthcare facility and 15 private houses were damaged in a Russian missile attack on Kramatorsk, Donetsk region, today.

"On the afternoon of February 14, the Russian Federation launched a missile attack on Kramatorsk, damaging a healthcare facility and 15 private houses nearby. Civil Protection Department Specialists are working at the scene, making reports on the damage and preparing to provide assistance to the affected households," the Kramatorsk City Council posted on Telegram and published the relevant photos.

As reported, Donetsk region is under constant Russian fire. The enemy kills and injures civilians every day. On the afternoon of February 14, the Russian invaders launched two missile attacks on Kostiantynivka and Kramatorsk.

February 14. In Donetsk region, the Russian invaders launched two missile attacks – on Kostyantynivka and Kramatorsk. One person was reported as wounded. A Palace of Culture, which now serves as a humanitarian aid hub, and a medical facility were damaged.

That’s according to the chief of the Donetsk Regional Military Administration, Pavlo Kyrylenko, who posted the photos of destruction on Telegram.

"Russian invaders hit Kostyantynivka and Kramatorsk with two missiles. In Kostyantynivka, according to tentative reports from the ground, a civilian was injured and the Palace of Culture, which is currently hosting a humanitarian aid hub, was damaged. In Kramatorsk, the premises of a medical facility were hit," the head of the region wrote.

February 14. The damage from the contamination of the Buh Estuary with sunflower oil as a result of the Russian drone attack on the Mykolaiv storage terminal amounts to almost UAH 40 billion.

That’s according to the South-Western District State Environmental Inspection.

As a result of a strike by Russian drones at Mykolaiv on October 16, 2022, tanks belonging to EVERI LLC - one of the leading exporters of sunflower oil - were damaged. From the damaged tanks, oil got into the water area of the Buh Estuary, polluting an area of 750 square meters.

February 14. As a result of Russia’s full-scale armed aggression, 461 children were killed and 923 more were injured in Ukraine.

“As of the morning of February 14, 2023, more than 1,384 children were affected in Ukraine as a result of the full-scale armed aggression of the Russian Federation. According to the official information provided by juvenile prosecutors, 461 children were killed and more than 923 received injuries of various degrees of severity,” the Ukrainian Prosecutor General's Office wrote on Telegram.

It is noted that these figures are not final, as work is underway in the areas of active hostilities, in the temporarily occupied and liberated territories.

February 14. Since March, more than 325,000 reports of damage or destruction to accommodations as a result of Russia's armed aggression have been filed by Ukrainian citizens.

That’s according to Olena Shuliak, head of the ruling Servant of the People party, who spoke on national television, an Ukrinform correspondent reports.

The government has been collecting such reports since March 2022, Shuliak said.

The head of the Servant of the People party said the government had already found UAH 17 billion, "which we are ready to allocate today in order to provide people with compensation for destroyed and damaged homes."

February 13. Russian troops have shelled the Kherson region’s village of Inhulets. As a result, a woman was killed, and a man was injured.

The relevant statement was made by Kherson Regional Military Administration on Telegram.

Russian projectiles struck civilian yards, where local residents were busy with routine tasks in the evening. One of enemy shell fragments hit a woman who was near her house. She received deadly wounds and died at the scene.

February 13. In the morning of February 13, 2023, Russian troops again shelled the Kharkiv region’s city of Kupiansk, having caused damage to the housing stock.

The relevant statement was made by Kharkiv Regional Military Administration Head Oleh Syniehubov on Telegram, an Ukrinform correspondent reports.

“Residential houses were hit in the city, and fires broke out. Fortunately, no casualties were reported,” Syniehubov wrote.

February 13. Russian troops opened fire on the Kherson region 42 times. Casualties among civilians were reported.

The relevant statement was made by Kherson Regional Military Administration on Telegram.

Russian invaders used multiple launch rocket systems (MLRS), tanks and mortars. The enemy also launched a missile strike on the region.

February 13. Russian troops killed one civilian and wounded another in Donetsk region.

"On February 12, the Russians killed one resident of Donetsk region in Chasiv Yar. Another person was injured in the region," Pavlo Kyrylenko, Head of the Donetsk Regional Military Administration, posted on Telegram.

It is still impossible to establish the exact number of casualties in Mariupol and Volnovakha, he noted.

February 13. Russian aggressors fired more than 50 mortar and artillery shells at the border communities of Sumy region, northern Ukraine.

“During the day [February 12], the enemy shelled four territorial communities of the region: Esman, Yunakivka, Krasnopillia, and Znob-Novhorodske. More than 50 explosions were recorded,” Sumy Regional Military Administration posted on Facebook.

The enemy fired 28 mortar bombs at Esman community, damaging a cafe in one of the community's villages. Later, around 14:00, four more explosions were recorded in the community.

February 12. The Nikopol, Marhanets and Myrove communities in the Dnipropetrovsk region came under enemy fire on Sunday, February 12.

Serhii Lysak, the head of the Dnipropetrovsk Regional Military Administration, reported this in Telegram.

"Today the aggressor attacked the Nikopol district three times with field artillery and MLRS. The Nikopol, Marhanets and Myrove communities came under enemy fire. One person died, two more were injured," the post sai.

In the city of Nikopol, six apartment blocks, a water supply company and a college building were damaged. In the afternoon, the enemy opened fire on the Marhanets community. No casualties were recorded. Twenty private houses, three cars, three power lines and a gas pipeline were damaged. Two outbuildings were destroyed, and a dozen more were damaged.

There were no casualties in the Myrove community. Rescuers are examining the area.

February 12. Deputy Prime Minister - Minister for Reintegration of the Temporarily Occupied Territories Iryna Vereshchuk emphasizes that the Russian invaders are deliberately and purposefully draining the Kakhovka Reservoir.

That’s according to the Vice PM’s Telegram posting.

"An environmental war. The occupiers are draining the Kakhovka Reservoir. A threat to the environment, water supply, and agriculture of Zaporizhia and Kherson regions," she said.

According to Vereshchuk, the invaders are consciously and purposefully committing acts of ecocide in the region, including the temporarily occupied territories.

"They will not be able to hold the captured territories. Maybe they started to realize this. Therefore, they seek to leave behind them scorched earth, unfit for life," the Deputy Prime Minister said.

February 12. The World Bank and the World Health Organization estimate the damage inflicted by Russian aggression on Ukraine's healthcare system at $26 billion.

That’s according to Health Minister Viktor Liashko, who spoke in an interview with Ukrinform.

At the same time, according to the health ministry’s assessment, the restoration of affected healthcare infrastructure will cost up to $1 billion.

"As for the financial assessment, where we have access to the facilities that have been destroyed and damaged, we look at the price per square meter for the hospital, using the design and estimate documentation for other facilities for 2021. We have calculated the average price for all the facilities and now we can actually talk about the amount of up to $1 billion that is needed to bring them to the pre-invasion condition... At the same time, specialists with the World Bank and World Health Organization calculate by their methodology: not only the recovery to the condition as of February 24, but also lost investment and other lost potentials that the affected hospitals could generate. They estimate the damage to Ukraine's healthcare system at tens of billions of dollars. In particular, the last figure they presented in late September 2022 was $26 billion," Liashko said.

February 12. On Sunday morning, Russian troops shelled Nikopol, Dnipropetrovsk region, with barrel artillery. Serhiy Lysak, head of the Dnipropetrovsk Regional Military Administration, said this in a Telegram post.

"Following the last night's silence, the aggressor shelled Nikopol in the morning. They fired barrel artillery," he wrote.

According to Lysak, a 53-year-old woman was killed as a result of the shelling. According to preliminary information, an 87-year-old woman was injured. She has a shrapnel wound.

In addition, four multi-story buildings, a water supply facility and a college building were damaged.

February 12. On February, Russian invaders shelled Kherson region 49 times, one person was injured. In Kherson city, the Ostriv (Island) neighborhood suffered the most from shelling.

"One person was injured in Kherson region due to Russian shelling over the past day," the Kherson Regional Military Administration wrote on Telegram.

Russian invaders shelled Kherson region 49 times. Peaceful settlements in the region were struck with artillery, MLRS, mortars, tanks. Moreover, a missile attack was launched on the region.

Kherson city came under Russian attacks 11 times - the Ostriv (Island) neighborhood suffered the most. Residential buildings were damaged in the city.

February 12. On the night of February 12, Russian invaders shelled the Ochakiv and Kutsurub communities of Mykolaiv region.

“Mykolaiv district: yesterday, February 11, at 12:18 and from 23:00, the enemy launched artillery strikes on the Ochakiv community’s water area and populated area. A residential building was damaged. There were no casualties," Vitaliy Kim, head of the Mykolaiv Regional Military Administration, wrote on Telegram.

The regional governor also added that on February 11, at 15:50 and 23:10, enemy strikes were recorded outside the settlements of the Kutsurub community. No casualties were reported.

In Mykolaiv city, the Pervomaisk, Voznesensk and Bashtanka districts, the day and night passed relatively calmly.

February 12. The Russian army killed one civilian and injured ten more in Donetsk region on February 11. Pavlo Kyrylenko, head of the Donetsk regional military administration, said this in a Telegram post.

"On February 11, Russians killed one civilian in Donetsk region – in Bakhmut. Ten more people in the region were injured,” he wrote. He noted that it is currently impossible to establish the exact number of victims in Mariupol and Volnovakha.

As reported, the Ukrainian military continues to eliminate Russian invaders. In particular, Ukrainian defenders repelled 11 enemy attacks in Luhansk and Donetsk regions on February 11.

February 11. Russian troops have opened fire on three territorial communities in the Sumy region.

The relevant statement was made by Sumy Regional Military Administration on Facebook.

“Over the past day, the enemy has been shelling three territorial communities: Myropillia, Znob-Novhorodske and Shalyhyne. A total of 45 explosions were recorded,” the report states.

In particular, Russians attacked the Myropillia community with mortars. Fourteen explosions were reported.

In the afternoon, Russian invaders launched mortar strikes on the Znob-Novhorodske community. Seventeen explosions were reported. After 02:00 p.m., the enemy also opened fire with cannon artillery: eight explosions were reported.

Additionally, Russian troops struck the Shakyhyne community with artillery (presumably, cannon artillery). Six explosions were reported.

February 11. On Saturday, the enemy attacked Dnipropetrovsk region with heavy artillery three times.

Chairman of the Dnipropetrovsk Regional Council, Mykola Lukashuk, wrote this on Telegram.

"Today, the strength of the Nikopol district was once again tested: the enemy shelled three communities of the district – Marhanets, Myrove and Nikopol - from the temporarily occupied territories of Zaporizhzhia region," the post reads.

No casualties were reported. In other districts of the region, the situation was relatively calm.

As Ukrinform reported, an air raid alert was declared in Dnipropetrovsk and Zaporizhzhia regions due to the threat of Shahed UAVs attack. Air defense was activated.

February 11. A woman was killed by enemy artillery fire in the urban-type settlement of Stepnohirsk, Zaporizhzhia region.

The Zaporizhzhia Regional Prosecutor's Office said this in a Facebook post, Ukrinform reports.

"According to the investigation, on February 11, 2023, at around 10:40, service members of the aggressor state, using means of warfare prohibited by international law, shelled the urban-type settlement of Stepnohirsk, Zaporizhzhia region," the post reads.

About 1,000 people, including 70 children, currently live in Stepnohirsk. There is no centralized water supply. Water is delivered by a regional water supply company, volunteers and farmers. Employees of the State Emergency Service bring bread for local residents three times a week.

February 11. The Russian invasion force launched 18 strikes on Zaporizhzhia, employing one-way strike drones, as well as S-300 and Kh-101 missiles.

This was reported by the press service of the Zaporizhzhia Region National Police Department.

"The past day for the people of Zaporizhzhia began with a night-time explosion. The occupation forces launched an attack on Zaporizhzhia using the Shahed drone. At dawn, at 04:40, the Russians launched a missile attack employing the S-300 air defense system. In less than half an hour, they struck 15 targets in different areas of the city," the report says.

February 11. Twelve civilians have been reported injured in Russia’s recent missile attack on the territory of Ukraine, which took place on February 10, 2023.

The relevant statement was made by the Ukrainian State Emergency Service on Telegram, an Ukrinform correspondent reports.

February 11. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has shared a United24 video, showing the environmental damage caused by Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine.

The relevant video was posted by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on Telegram.

“Ukraine is a country with amazing nature. But the Russian invasion of our country causes irreparable damage to the environment,” Zelensky wrote.

The Head of State mentioned that dozens of rare animals and unique reserves of Ukraine are being destroyed due to Russian aggression.

“The damage caused to people and nature in this war is devastating. But together we can stop it,” Zelensky stressed.

February 11. Russian forces launched a missile attack on Vovchansk in Kharkiv region.

Serhii Melnyk, head of the Kharkiv military garrison, wrote this on Telegram.

"The enemy used a Su-35 to launch a missile attack on Kharkiv region, namely Vovchansk," he wrote.

February 11. Russian forces launched Iranian-made Shahed UAVs and attacked three energy facilities in Dnipropetrovsk Oblast on the night of 10-11 February. There is significant damage caused.

Serhii Lysak, Head of the Dnipropetrovsk Oblast Military Administration, said on Telegram

"This night in Dnipropetrovsk Oblast passed with air-raid sirens and attacks of the enemy's UAVs. They targeted our critical infrastructure. Shahed drones hit two energy facilities in Kryvyi Rih district and one in Nikopol district. They attacked the same facility in Kryvyi Rih district for the second time in a day." - he noted.

February 10. On February 10, 2023, due to Russian attacks on Ukraine’s civil infrastructure, one of reactor units at Khmelnytskyi Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) shut down.

The relevant statement was made by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

Additionally, two of the three operating Ukrainian NPPs, Rivne and South Ukraine, reduced power output as a precautionary measure due to renewed shelling of the country’s energy infrastructure, the IAEA Support and Assistance Missions confirmed.

According to the IAEA Support and Assistance Missions that are onsite at the plants, all nuclear safety systems at Khmelnytskyi NPP worked as expected.

February 10. The damage caused on the energy infrastructure of Ukraine by the Russian attack on 10 February is significant, the Russians managed to damage several thermal and hydroelectric power plants. Volodymyr Kudrytskyi, Head of Ukrenergo said this during the 24/7 newscast

"We were attacked by kamikaze drones, S-300 missiles, and eventually a large-scale missile attack began in the morning. The scale of the damage is significant, the Russians were able to damage several thermal and hydroelectric plants.

Today's attack alteres our plans to restore the generation, but at the same time, once again, the disaster did not happen. The Russians failed to achieve their goals for the 14th time," he emphasised.

According to Kudrytskyi, the situation in the city of Kharkiv is really difficult.

"Over the weekend, we plan to restore the operation of some energy facilities that were damaged today. The critical infrastructure of Kharkiv [city] is restored. We are working to ensure that the situation with outages in Kharkiv approaches the situation in the country. But it will take some time," the head of Ukrenergo explained.

"We still need to assess the extent of the destruction in order to say more precisely when we will be able to correct the situation in Khmelnytskyi Oblast. We will work over the weekend. We still have to work on completely restoring facilities around Odesa, which provide power to the city and Odesa district. But the situation has improved in comparison with what happened on Saturday and Sunday. It was announced that the local Oblenergo [an oblast electricity distributor – ed.] is testing the planned power outage schedules," he summarised.

February 10. On February 10, 2023, Russia launched over 100 missiles during another massive attack on the territory of Ukraine.

The relevant statement was made by the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on Facebook.

“The Russian Federation launched over 100 missiles during another massive missile attack on the territory of our country. According to the preliminary data, the enemy used 29 S-300 anti-aircraft guided missiles and 71 air- and sea-launched cruise missiles,” the report states.

Ukrainian defenders destroyed a total of 61 Russian missiles, the General Staff noted.

February 10. Russian invaders attacked Zaporizhzhia again overnight Friday, launching the largest barrage of missiles since the outset of the full-scale invasion.

That’s according to the City Council Secretary, Anatoliy Kurtiev.

Seventeen incoming missiles were reported in the area within just one hour, targeting energy infrastructure facilities. Currently, information on the damage and casualties is being verified.

"That's all this army of scum is capable of – shelling a sleeping city and hitting our infrastructure. But they won’t break us. We’ll get through this," Kurtiev wrote.

February 9. Today the Russian army shelled the Komyshuvakha community, which is located not far from Zaporizhzhia city, five times. One house was completely destroyed.

The Zaporizhzhia Regional Military Administration wrote this on Telegram.

"The long-suffering Komyshuvakha community spent this day under heavy shelling. This is the fifth time the peaceful settlement has been hit," the report says.

It is known that one private house was destroyed, about ten more were damaged. According to preliminary information, there were no casualties.

February 9. Russian troops were attacking the Donetsk region’s settlements with missiles and artillery.

The relevant statement was made by Donetsk Regional Military Administration Head Pavlo Kyrylenko on Facebook.

“Around midnight, Russians shelled the Hrodivka community, which is located relatively far from the front line, with artillery. In Novoekonomichne, one person was injured, and a church was hit,” the report states.

The outskirts of Kramatorsk came under enemy fire. Enemy projectiles struck the area of an industrial enterprise.

February 8. Russian troops attacked the Kherson region 39 times. As a result, three civilians were killed and four injured.

The relevant statement was made by Kherson Regional Military Administration on Telegram.

“Over the past day, three civilians have been killed in Russia’s shelling of the Kherson region. Four local residents received injuries of various severity levels,” the report states.

A 15-year-old boy is among those injured. He suffered a mild concussion.

According to Kherson Regional Military Administration, Russian troops used artillery, multiple launch rocket systems (MLRS) and mortars.

In particular, the enemy attacked the city of Kherson six times. Russian projectiles hit a children’s rehabilitation center and residential houses.

February 8. On February 8, 2023, at least twenty-three settlements came under enemy fire in the Kharkiv region. In particular, Russian troops used combat aircraft near Kotliarivka and Tabaivka.

The relevant statement was made by Kharkiv Regional Military Administration Head Oleh Syniehubov on Telegram.

“Over the past day, the enemy has been massively shelling border settlements in such districts as Chuhuiv, Kupiansk and Kharkiv. At least 23 settlements came under enemy fire. Near Kotliarivka and Tabaivka, the enemy used combat aircraft,” Syniehubov wrote.

Five civilians were injured in Russia’s shelling of the Chuhuiv district, including one child.

In Vovchansk, apartment blocks and detached houses were damaged. Fires broke out. A building of the unit of the Ukrainian State Emergency Service was damaged.

Two civilians were killed in Russia’s shelling of the Kupiansk district’s Dvorichna. Detached houses were damaged in Kupiansk.

February 8. As a result of the Russian strike at Semenivka, Chernihiv region, at least one person was killed. As rescuers got two people out from under the rubble, one civilian remains trapped.

That’s according to Operational Command North.

According to the updated reports about the air missile hitting the industrial premises in the area of Semenivka, one civilian was killed. The rescuers got two people out from under the rubble. One person is still under the rubble.

February 8. Russian troops shelled the Kharkiv region on February 8, injuring five people, among them a ten-year-old child. Oleh Syniehubov, the head of the Kharkiv Regional Military Administration, said this in a post on Telegram.

"Today, at around 11:00, the occupiers shelled the village of Varvarivka, Chuhuiv district. Two civilians were wounded in the shelling: a 69-year-old man and a 66-year-old woman. In addition, at noon, the enemy shelled the town of Vovchansk. A 52-year-old man, an employee of the regional energy company, received a shrapnel wound," Syniehubov said.

He added that all the wounded had been hospitalized, with doctors providing them with all the necessary assistance.

Later, Syniehubov reported that four people had been wounded.

February 8. Russian forces shelled six communities in Donetsk region over the past day, damaging residential buildings. Pavlo Kyrylenko, head of the Donetsk Regional Military Administration, said this in a Telegram post.

"Russians launched a missile attack on Druzhkivka, hitting a private house. There were no casualties. In the Volnovakha direction, Vuhledar is under intense fire - nine private houses were damaged," Kyrylenko wrote.

In the Donetsk direction, a house in Tonenke, the Ocheretyn community, was damaged as a result of Russian shelling. Kurakhove, Kurakhivka and Hirnyk in the Kurakhove community also came under fire. There were no casualties.

February 8. As a result of Russia’s full-scale armed aggression, 461 children were killed and 920 more were injured in Ukraine.

“As of the morning of February 8, 2023, more than 1,381 children were affected in Ukraine as a result of the full-scale armed aggression of the Russian Federation. According to the official information provided by juvenile prosecutors, 461 children were killed and more than 920 received injuries of various degrees of severity,” the Ukrainian Prosecutor General's Office wrote on Telegram.

It is noted that these figures are not final, as work is underway in the areas of active hostilities, in the temporarily occupied and liberated territories.

Most children were affected in Donetsk region - 443, Kharkiv region - 270, Kyiv region - 123, Kherson region - 86, Zaporizhzhia region – 84, Mykolaiv region - 83, Chernihiv region - 68, Luhansk region - 66, and Dnipropetrovsk region – 63.

In particular, on February 7, a 16-year-old girl was injured as a result of a Russian artillery strike on the city of Vovchansk, Kharkiv region.

February 8. On Wednesday morning, the Russian army shelled the coastal strip and water area of the Ochakiv community, as well as the Kutsurub community in Mykolaiv region.

Vitaliy Kim, head of the Mykolaiv Regional Military Administration, said this in a Telegram post.

“Today, February 8, at 06:02 and 07:21, the enemy launched artillery strikes on the coastal strip and water area of the Ochakiv community. There are no casualties," Kim wrote.

He added that at 06:10, the Kutsurub community came under enemy fire – an explosion was recorded outside the settlement. There was no damage or casualties as a result of the shelling.

The regional governor noted that in Mykolaiv city and the Pervomaisk, Voznesensk and Bashtanka districts, the day and night passed relatively calmly.

February 8. On the night of February 8, 2023, Russian projectiles hit Central Park in the city of Kharkiv. The relevant statement was made by Kharkiv Mayor Ihor Terekhov on Telegram.

“Last night our Central Park also came under enemy fire,” Terekhov wrote and posted relevant photographs.

February 8. Two civilians have been injured in Russia’s shelling of the Donetsk region over the past day. The relevant statement was made by Donetsk Regional Military Administration Head Pavlo Kyrylenko on Telegram.

“On February 7, 2023, Russians injured two civilians in the Donetsk region, namely in Bakhmut,” Kyrylenko wrote.

Additionally, it is now impossible to count the exact number of casualties in Mariupol and Volnovakha, Kyrylenko noted.

February 7. The Russian army killed one civilian in Donetsk region on February 6.

Pavlo Kyrylenko, head of the Donetsk regional military administration, said this in a Telegram post.

"On February 6, it was established that Russians killed another resident of Donetsk region – in Bakhmut. Five more people in the region were injured,” he wrote.

He noted that it is currently impossible to establish the exact number of victims in Mariupol and Volnovakha.

February 7. At night, the enemy shelled Dnipropetrovsk region, leaving 60,000 subscribers without water supply. Mykola Lukashuk, head of the Dnipropetrovsk Regional Council, said this in a Telegram post.

“Russian occupiers shelled the Nikopol district with heavy artillery and MLRS. At night, the enemy attacked the district twice, firing about four dozen shells at the Marhanets community," he wrote.

The enemy shelling damaged power lines. As a result, one of the pumping stations in the community was cut off and nine settlements were left without water supply, which is approximately 60,000 subscribers.

In addition, Russian forces damaged four private residential buildings, an outbuilding, electricity networks and a gas pipeline. There were no casualties.

February 7. Neither residents nor a single surviving house remained in Novoselivske village, Svatove district, Luhansk region, where more than 700 people lived before the Russian invasion.

Serhiy Haidai, head of the Luhansk Regional Military Administration, said this in a Facebook post.

"Only foundations, craters and scorched land. Rashists destroyed Novoselivske in Svatove district. The village is empty - there are no local residents there. In January, a Russian sniper shot and killed the last resident of Novoselivske," he wrote in the comments to the video.

The regional governor added that not a single building survived in this settlement, enemy shells devastated everything. "This is what ‘Russian world’ looks like," Haidai emphasized.

February 6. More than 16,220 children are considered to have been deported from Ukraine since the Russian full-scale invasion began.

The press service of the Ombudsman's Office said this in a Facebook post.

"According to data from the Children of War state portal as of February 6, 2023: 350 children are considered as missing, 16,222 - deported, 9,510 - found," the report says.

February 6. Over the past 24 hours, Russian troops have launched 37 strikes on settlements in Kherson region. "Russian occupiers opened fire 37 times on peaceful settlements in Kherson region. They used artillery, MLRS, mortars and tanks," the Kherson Regional Military Administration said in a Telegram post. The Russian army struck Kherson seven times. Enemy shells damaged an educational institution and residential buildings. As a result of yesterday’s shelling, four people suffered injuries of varying degrees of severity in the region.

February 6. On February 5, 2023, Russian troops opened fire on three communities in the Sumy region, such as Esman, Seredyna-Buda and Druzhba. A total of 17 explosions were recorded.

The relevant statement was made by Sumy Regional Military Administration on Telegram. In particular, Russians fired a mortar bomb at the Esman community. Russian invaders also used mortars to attack the Seredyna-Buda community. A total of four explosions were reported.

In the Druzhba community, about 12 single volleys of automatic gunfire were recorded near one of local villages.

February 5. Russian forces shelled Kherson three times today, striking two neighborhoods and a shipbuilding enterprise. The Kherson City Council wrote this on Telegram. "As of February 5, the Russian army shelled Kherson three times. Russians struck the neighborhoods of Ostriv and Zhytloselyshche," the report reads. In addition, the enemy shelled the territory of a shipbuilding enterprise. One person was injured. The man was hospitalized.

February 5. On Sunday morning, Russian shelling damaged six residential buildings and important municipal networks in Chornobaivka, Kherson region.

The Kherson Regional Military Administration reported this on Telegram.

"At around 5 a.m., the enemy massively shelled Chornobaivka. Enemy shells damaged six residential buildings. Vital networks were also destroyed - power lines, gas pipelines, and water pipelines," the report says.

It is noted that one person was injured as a result of the Russian shelling. The victim was hospitalized at a medical facility.

February 5. In Kharkiv, rescuers and healthcare staff work at the site of Russian missile strikes.

"The units of the State Emergency Service and ambulance work on the ground and clear away the rubble to find out if there are any victims under," Oleh Synehubov, Head of the Kharkiv Regional Military Administration, posted on Facebook.

According to his information, the Russian occupiers launched two missile attacks on the center of Kharkiv around 08:20.

"The first missile strike hit the central building of one of Kharkiv's higher educational institutions. The fifth and fourth floors were destroyed," Synehubov said.

A security guard of the institution was injured. He has minor injuries and was treated on the spot.

The second Russian S-300 missile hit in between residential buildings. One of them is seriously damaged.

February 5. The number of people injured in a Russian missile attack on the center of Kharkiv on Sunday, February 5, has increased to four.

Kharkiv region governor Oleh Syniehubov said this in a post on the Telegram.

"According to the Regional Center of Emergency Medical Aid, the number of those injured has increased to four people. Another wounded person is a security guard of a higher educational institution that was struck by a second missile," he wrote.

Russian troops launched a missile attack on Kharkiv on the morning of February

February 5. Russian invaders fired two missiles at the city of Druzhkivka, Donetsk region, at around 04:00 on Sunday, February 5.

The Druzhkivka city military administration said this on Telegram.

"The missiles hit a densely populated residential neighborhood. The enemy again insidiously fired at civilians. Apartment blocks, apartments in the houses of city residents were damaged, a kindergarten building was partially destroyed. According to preliminary information, five residents of Druzhkivka were injured. They are receiving medical assistance. Utility services are eliminating the consequences of airstrikes," the report said.

February 5. Russian forces struck settlements in the Kherson region more than 60 times on Saturday, February 4. The Kherson Regional Military Administration reported this on Telegram.

"The Russian occupiers attacked the settlements of the Kherson region 60 times – they fired artillery, MLRS, mortars, tanks, IFVs and ATGMs. The Russian army attacked Kherson city six times. Enemy shells damaged residential buildings. Yesterday, one person was killed in the Kherson region due to Russian shelling, and one more resident of the region was injured," the report reads.

February 5. The Russian occupiers are going to take Ukrainian children living in the temporarily occupied territory of Luhansk region to Karelia, northwest Russia.

"This week, a meeting was held between Elissan Shandarovich, the chairman of the Assembly of the Republic of Karelia, and Denis Miroshnychenko, the chairman of the so-called ‘People's Council’ in the Luhansk region's temporarily occupied territory. One of the key issues was the transfer of children from the occupied Luhansk region to the ‘beautiful resorts’ of Karelia for ‘rest and recovery’. Taking into account how Russians ‘rest’ in the polar latitudes, this does not contribute to recovery in any way," the National Resistance Center reports.

The Center explains that the heads of various regions of the Russian Federation use such trips with the intention of "bargaining" a certain number of children for "recovery" pursuing a purely practical goal: writing off budget funds for these measures. Moreover, increasing evidence of abductions of minors and human trafficking appears.

February 4. Russian troops launched 26 strikes on the Sumy region on Saturday, February 4.

According to Ukrinform, the Sumy Regional Military Administration said this on Facebook.

"Throughout the day, the enemy carried out three attacks on territorial communities of the region: Bilopillia, Nova Sloboda, Velyka Pysarivka. 26 hits were recorded," the report reads.

From 16:30, the Russians fired mortars at the Bilopillia community, with ten hits recorded.

The Velyka Pysarivka community also cmae under mortar shelling, with seven hits recorded.

February 4. Mayor of Bakhmut Oleksiy Reva released the pictures of the city being bombed by the Russians day and night.

"There is not a single calm day. The Russians are trying to wipe Bakhmut off the face of the earth. We will not be broken! Bakhmut is a city fortress," Reva posted on Facebook.

The mayor added that the battle for Bakhmut continues.

February 4. Russian invaders obliterated almost the entire Left Bank district of Mariupol, the temporarily occupied city on the coast of the Sea of Azov.

Petro Andriushchenko, the adviser to the Mariupol mayor in exile, reported this via Telegram.

"The Left Bank district de facto ceased to exist. The civilian occupiers have already reached the central Victory Square (how symbolic!) and are turning it into a part of the boundless desert. The new real limits of the Left Bank district were moved to the outskirts of the conditionally new districts. The historical and administrative part of the district has gone into oblivion," Andriushchenko wrote.

According to the official, every demolished home here is the result of Russian artillery or tank shelling.

"Everything was destroyed here as the encirclement of the Azovstal was tightening, simply as a preventive measure and sometimes for the entertainment and `video clips by ‘Tik-Tok Kadyrovites,'” Andriushchenko added.

February 4. The Donetsk Regional Military Administration showed the consequences of Russian shelling of the region over the past day: Kramatorsk, Avdiivka, Toretsk, Vuhledar, and Kurakhivka were under attack.

"At night, the Russians launched two more missile attacks on the outskirts of Kramatorsk. Outbuildings were damaged, but nobody was injured. In Volnovakha direction, Vuhledar and Novoukrainka were under fire, no one was injured," Pavlo Kyrylenko, Head of the Donetsk Regional Military Administration posted on Telegram.

According to him, three people were injured in Donetsk direction and eight houses were damaged in Kurakhivka.

In the morning, the old part of Avdiivka town came under massive attack.

"One person was killed in Horlivka direction and seven people were injured in Toretsk. In the town, 34 houses, two kindergartens, an outpatient clinic, a library, an administrative services center, a cultural center, a newspaper editorial office, and a post office were damaged. Three more people were injured in Bakhmut – an apartment block and an administrative building were damaged," Kyrylenko added.

As noted, intensive shelling continues in Paraskoviivka, Soledar community. Numerous damages

February 4. The invaders shelled Bilopillia community in Sumy region with mortars from the territory of Russia. "Yesterday, from 21:25 to 21:45, the Russians fired mortars at the territory of Bilopillia community – 20 strikes were recorded," the Sumy Regional Military Administration posted on Telegram.

No destruction of infrastructure or casualties were recorded.

February 4. The army of the Russian Federation killed 460 children and injured 919 more in Ukraine.

"As of the morning of February 4, 2023, more than 1,379 children were killed and injured in Ukraine as a result of the full-scale armed aggression of the Russian Federation. According to the official information of the juvenile prosecutors, 460 children were killed and more than 919 children received injuries of various degrees of severity," the Prosecutor General's Office posted on Telegram.

The numbers are not final as the efforts are ongoing to establish casualties in the areas of hostilities, in temporarily captured and liberated territories.

Most children were killed and injured in Donetsk region – 443, Kharkiv region – 270, Kyiv region – 123, Kherson region – 86, Zaporizhzhia region – 84, Mykolaiv region – 83, Chernihiv region – 68, Luhansk region – 66, Dnipropetrovsk region – 63.

It became known that on January 31, a 12-year-old boy was killed in a Russian strike on Bakhmut, Donetsk region.

A total of 3,126 educational institutions were damaged by Russian bombing and shelling; 337 of them were completely destroyed.

February 4. Russian troops shelled 26 settlements in Zaporizhzhia region.

"According to the report of the National Police Main Department in Zaporizhzhia Region, the occupiers fired at civilian infrastructure in the area of Malynivka, Huliaypole, Huliaypilske, Kamyanske, Chervone, Zatyshshia, Yehorivka, Zaliznychne, Orikhiv, Mali Shcherbaky, Novodanylivka, Olhivske, Mala Tokmachka, Charivne, Shcherbaky, Poltavka, Zelenyi Hai, Novoselivka, Shevchenko, Novokarlivka, Bilohirya, Stepove, Plavni, Stepnohirsk, Zarichne, Komyshuvakha settlements over the past day," the Zaporizhzhia Regional Military Administration posted on Telegram with reference to the police data.

It is noted that 36 reports on the destruction of houses (apartments) of citizens and infrastructure objects as a result of the shelling were received.

Moreover, the invaders launched 156 strikes on the positions of Ukrainian defenders, using tank weapons, rocket and tube artillery along the entire line of contact, the Administration noted.

February 4. The Russian invaders fired MLRS twice at a settlement and the water area of Ochakiv community, Mykolaiv region, on February 3, damaging houses and farm buildings.

"Mykolaiv district. Yesterday, February 3, at 13:19 and 23:22, the enemy shelled a settlement and the water area of Ochakiv community with MLRS. As a result, residential buildings and farm buildings were damaged. There were no casualties," Vitaliy Kim, Head of the Mykolaiv Regional Military Administration, posted on Telegram.

Moreover, yesterday at 13:44, the enemy struck Kutsurub community with tube artillery. No damage or casualties were reported.

In Mykolaiv, Pervomaisk, Voznesensk, and Bashtanka districts, the situation was relatively calm.

February 4. Two civilians were killed and 14 were wounded in Russian shelling of the Donetsk region on Friday, February 3.

Pavlo Kyrylenko, head of the Donetsk Regional Military Administration, said this in a post on the Telegram messaging app.

"On February 3, it emerged that two residents of the Donetsk region had been killed by Russians: in Toretsk and Bakhmut. Another 14 people in the region were injured," he said.

Kyrylenko added that it was currently impossible to establish the exact number of casualties in Mariupol and Volnovakha.

February 3. The European Union has urged Russia to stop the illegal practice of deporting Ukrainian nationals, especially children, and allow those already deported to safely return to Ukraine.

That’s according to an EU statement announced during a meeting of the OSCE Permanent Council in Vienna on Thursday, an Ukrinform correspondent reports.

The EU “deplores the reported unlawful forcible deportations and transfers of Ukrainian citizens, including children, to Russia and within Ukraine’s temporarily occupied territories by Russia.”

February 3. Russian invaders 65 times have attacked settlements across Kherson region, killing at least two civilians and injuring nine. That’s according to the Kherson Regional Military Administration.

"In the past day, two people were killed in Kherson region as a result of Russian shelling, and nine residents of the region sustained wounds of various degrees of severity," the administration reported.

The Russian army attacked the settlements across Kherson region 65 times, employing artillery, multiple rocket launch systems, mortars, and tanks, officials note. Thirteen strikes targeted the city of Kherson, where a number of shells hit a shipbuilding plant, a school, and residential buildings.

February 3. On the night of February 3, Russian forces again fired artillery at Nikopol city in Dnipropetrovsk region. Acting head of the Dnipropetrovsk Regional Military Administration, Volodymyr Orlov, said this in a Facebook post.

"At night, the Russians terrorized Nikopol again. They shelled the city with barrel artillery. Fortunately, no one was injured," he wrote.

February 3. As a result of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, 459 children were killed and 919 – wounded. That’s according to the Prosecutor General's Office.

"More than 1,378 children were affected in Ukraine as a result of the full-scale armed aggression by the Russian Federation. As of the morning of February 3, 2023, the official number of child deaths has not changed, standing at 459. The number of injured has increased to 919," the statement reads.

The numbers are not final as work is underway to verify incoming data from the hostility zones, as well as the captured and liberated territories.

The largest numbers of affected children were reported in Donetsk region (442), Kharkiv region (270), Kyiv region (123), Kherson region (86), Zaporizhia region (84), Mykolaiv region (83), Chernihiv region (68), Luhansk region (66), and Dnipropetrovsk region (63).

On February 2, a 5-year-old boy was wounded as a result of enemy shelling of Kherson.

A total of 3,126 educational facilities were damaged by Russian strikes, of which 337 were completely destroyed.

February 2. The Donetsk Regional Military Administration released a video showing the consequences of a night missile attack on Kramatorsk where a section of a four-story apartment block was destroyed on February 1. The video is published on the Administration's YouTube channel.

February 2. On Thursday, February 2, the Russian army once again shelled border settlements of Chernihiv and Sumy regions. The Operational Command North wrote this on Telegram.

In particular, from 11:15 to 11:45, 13 hits were recorded in Studenok village. From 12:07 to 12:30, six strikes were recorded in the direction of Hremiach village.

From 12:10 to 12:15, there were three hits in Tovstodubove settlement. From 13:35 to 14:05 – 12 hits in the Tymonovychi district.

As reported by Ukrinform, on February 1, Russian aggressors used mortars and small arms to attack four border communities in Sumy region.

In Chernihiv region, on February 1, Yeline village came under enemy mortar fire. Four people were killed and one person was injured after an enemy mortar shell hit a cellar.

February 2. As a result of a Russian missile strike on Kramatorsk on February 2, at least five civilians were injured, a children's clinic and a school were damaged.

This was reported by the head of Donetsk Regional Military Administration, Pavlo Kyrylenko, on Telegram.

"At least five people were injured as a result of a missile attack on Kramatorsk. This afternoon, the Russians hit the city center again: this time they launched two missiles. Thirteen two-storey buildings, three four-storey buildings, a children's clinic and a school, a number of garages and cars were damaged," the head of the region wrote.

February 2. In Kramatorsk, after an apartment block was destroyed by a Russian missile attack, three people were killed, 10 more were injured, two of whom are in serious condition.

Another 13 people received minor injuries and sought medical help. A woman is still being searched for under the rubble.

"Kramatorsk now: three killed, eight injured (two in serious condition), 13 sought medical help – minor injuries. We are searching for another woman," Kramatorsk Mayor Oleksandr Honcharenko posted on Facebook.

As reported, the enemy attack on Kramatorsk was launched at 21:45 on Wednesday. As a result of a missile strike, the 4th to 1st floors in one of the sections of a four-story apartment block were destroyed. Cars parked nearby caught fire.

February 2. On Thursday morning, Russian troops shelled a residential sector in the village of Komyshany, Kherson region. A woman was killed. The Kherson Regional Military Administration wrote this on Telegram.

"In the morning, Russian troops opened fire on the residential sector of Komyshany village, there is a victim," the report says.

It is noted that the enemy hit a private house. Fragments of a Russian shell killed a 44-year-old woman.

February 2. On February 2, Russian troops shelled Kupiansk, Kharkiv region. Oleh Syniehubov, head of the Kharkiv Regional Military Administration, wrote this on Telegram.

“The enemy does not stop the terror of the civilian population in border towns and villages of Kharkiv region. Today, around 07:00, the occupiers shelled Kupiansk again. A 67-year-old woman was injured," Syniehubov wrote.

In addition, as a result of the morning shelling, a 46-year-old employee of the State Emergency Service was wounded in the village of Kruhliakivsk, Kupiansk district.

In addition, according to the regional governor, the Russians shelled the village of Kozacha Lopan, damaging a village council’s building. According to preliminary information, there were no casualties.

February 2. In Kramatorsk, Donetsk region, 183 people and 18 pieces of equipment are involved in a rescue operation at the site of a residential building destroyed by Russia’s shelling.

The press service of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine wrote this on Telegram.

On February 1, as a result of Russia’s missile attack on Kramatorsk, the section from the fourth to the first floors of a four-story apartment building was destroyed. Cars parked nearby caught fire.

February 2. Russian troops shelled Kherson region 34 times on February 1. The Kherson Regional Military Administration wrote this on Telegram. “According to the Kherson Regional Military Administration, the Russian occupiers shelled the territory of Kherson region 34 times. They used artillery, MLRS, mortars, tanks and UAVs," the report says.

The Russian army attacked the city of Kherson twice - residential buildings were damaged.

Four people received injuries of varying degrees of severity as a result of the enemy shelling.

As reported by Ukrinform, Russian special services are settling in boarding houses of the Arabat Spit in the captured part of Kherson region.

February 2. The Russian army killed three civilians and injured 22 more in Donetsk region on February 1. Pavlo Kyrylenko, head of the Donetsk regional military administration, said this in a Telegram post.

"On February 1, Russians killed three civilians – in Kramatorsk. 22 more people in the region were injured,” he wrote.

He noted that it is currently impossible to establish the exact number of victims in Mariupol and Volnovakha.

February 2. During a meeting in Strasbourg with PACE Chairman Tini Cox, the Verkhovna Rada Commissioner for Human Rights emphasized the protection of the rights of Ukrainian children against whom Russia is committing genocide.

The official reported this on Telegram.

"He emphasized the protection of the rights of Ukrainian children, in relation to whom Russia is committing the entire spectrum of genocide: from deportation to the setup of children's torture camps in the temporarily occupied territories. In order to protect our future generation, it is necessary to adopt the relevant PACE resolutions," the ombudsman said.

Commissioner of the Verkhovna Rada.Lubinets
Commissioner of the Verkhovna Rada.Lubinets

He stated that Russia keeps violating the fundamental rights of Ukrainians – those to life and safety, which must not go unpunished. In this regard, Lubinets thanked Cox for the unanimous support of the PACE Resolution on the establishment of a special international criminal tribunal to prosecute the highest political and military leadership of Russia and Belarus for committing the crime of aggression against Ukraine.

"It is important that the immunities of the officials do not and will not be applied in this tribunal. Therefore, no one will be able to avoid accountability," said the Commissioner of the Verkhovna Rada.

February 2. Russian troops targeted the residential sector of Kramatorsk an Iskander-K missile. The number of people killed as a result of a missile hitting increased to three, while 20 people were injured.

The Donetsk region’s Police Department reported this on Facebook.

" At least eight apartment buildings were damaged, one of them was completely destroyed. Tentatively, three civilians were killed and 20 – wounded. People may remain under the rubble," the report says.

As noted, the enemy struck the city at 21:45. A search and rescue operation is currently underway. The police are documenting the aftermath of Russia's yet another war crime.

Law enforcers are evacuating people from the affected houses to a local school, where a shelter has been deployed.

February 1. An enemy mine has hit the basement of a private house in the village of Yeline, Chernihiv region, killing four people and wounding one person. Viacheslav Chaus, head of the Chernihiv Regional Military Administration, said this in a post on Telegram.

"A (120mm) mine hit the basement of a private house, killing four locals. One person was wounded and taken to a medical facility," the report said.

February 1. During the day, Russian troops fired mortars at two border settlements in Sumy and Chernihiv regions. One person was injured.

“From 14:50 to 15:30, 17 strikes, presumably from a 120mm mortar, were recorded in the area of Studenok in Sumy region. Military personnel was not injured and equipment was not damaged. Information about civilian casualties or damage to civilian infrastructure is being clarified,” the operational command “North” posted on Telegram.

In addition, from 15:10 to 15:40, 14 strikes, presumably from a 120mm mortar, were recorded in the area of Yeline in Chernihiv region. Military personnel was not injured and equipment was not damaged. According to preliminary information, a local resident was injured.

February 1. The Russian army shelled Kramatorsk in Donetsk region. An enemy missile hit a cemetery. Kramatorsk Mayor Oleksandr Honcharenko announced this on Telegram.

February 1. Russian forces again shelled Sloviansk in Donetsk region. An enemy missile hit a private enterprise. No casualties were reported.

Vadym Liakh, head of the Sloviansk Military and Civil Administration, wrote this on Telegram.

“The city was shelled again. According to preliminary information, it was an S-300 missile. It hit a private enterprise. There are no casualties. Let's hold on. We are together. Take care of yourself!" Liakh wrote.

February 1. Russian invaders launched 18 fire attacks on Donetsk region over the past day, targeting 10 settlements. A hospital and a pharmacy were damaged. Civilians, including children, were killed and injured.

"The occupiers launched 18 fire attacks. The police officers record the consequences of the Russian shelling. Ten settlements came under fire: Avdiivka, Bakhmut, Velyka Novosilka, Kleban-Byk, Bahatyr, Umanske, Dachne, Paraskoviivka, Vremivka, Ivanivske," the Donetsk region police reported.

It is noted that the enemy opened fire from Grad and Smerch MLRS, artillery, mortars, and tanks. Five residential buildings, a hospital, and a pharmacy were damaged.

The occupiers fired rocket artillery at Bakhmut, hitting an apartment block and a pharmacy. As a result, civilians were killed and injured, including a child.

Volnovakha district came under Grad and Smerch MLRS fire. The infrastructure was damaged.

"A person was killed in the enemy shelling of Paraskoviivka. The police and the Security Service of Ukraine started an investigation under Art. 438 (violation of the laws and customs of war) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine," the police stated.

For his part, Head of the Donetsk Regional Military Administration Pavlo Kyrylenko posted on Telegram that the enemy shelled Vuhledar and Novoukrayinka yesterday, launched a rocket attack on Komar community. Residential buildings were damaged and civilian casualties were reported.

"In Volnovakha direction, the information on a person killed in Vuhledar earlier was confirmed. Vuhledar and Novoukrayinka are under fire. The day before, the Russians launched a rocket attack on Komar community, damaging five houses in Shevchenko and hitting the territory of Burlatske. Nobody was injured," Kyrylenko wrote.

In Donetsk direction, Dachne settlement in Kurakhove community came under enemy fire. Strikes on Avdiivka and Marinka communities were recorded. No casualties were reported.

In Horlivka direction, two people were killed and six more were injured in Bakhmut.

"The Russians fired intensively at Paraskoviivka in Soledar community. Rozdolivka, Fedorivka, and Vasiukivka also came under fire. Shelling was also heard on the outskirts of Chasiv Yar community," the Administration’s head added.

February 1. In Ukraine, 459 children have been killed and 918 children have been injured as a result of the full-scale armed aggression of the Russian Federation.

"More than 1,377 children have been killed and injured in Ukraine as a result of the full-scale armed aggression of the Russian Federation. As of the morning of February 1, 2023, the official number of children killed did not change in the past day – 459. The number of injured rose to more than 918," the Prosecutor General's Office posted on Telegram.

These data are not final as efforts are ongoing to establish casualties in the areas of hostilities, in temporarily captured and liberated territories.

Most children were killed and injured in Donetsk region – 442, Kharkiv region – 270, Kyiv region – 123, Kherson region – 85, Zaporizhzhia region – 84, Mykolaiv region – 83, Chernihiv region – 68, Luhansk region – 66, Dnipropetrovsk region – 63.

Read more: Chronicle of the russian federation Crimes in Ukraine: February 2022 - December 2023