
russia Displays Supersonic Kh-38 Missiles with 40km Range, Prompting Need for Stronger Air Defense for Ukrainian Troops on the Frontline

russian Kh-38 air-to-ground missile / Open source photo
russian Kh-38 air-to-ground missile / Open source photo

What kind of missile is this, and why is its use by the enemy so demonstrative?

russian propagandists claim that recently they have begun to use of the Kh-38 guided missiles more actively for strikes on targets in the frontline zone, particularly in the laser-guided Kh-38ML variant.

The Kh-38ML short-range air-to-surface missile has two distinctive features: a launch range of up to 40 kilometers and supersonic flight speed (up to Mach 2.2).

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Taking into account that this missile has a warhead weighing 250 kilograms with a total starting mass of only 520 kilograms, we can also see how problematic and dangerous the russian Kh-38 is for the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

russian Kh-38 missile, Defense Express
russian Kh-38 missile / Open source photo

The authors of The Drive, who have noted the frequency of russian reports on the use of the Kh-38 for strikes in the frontline zone, emphasize that these missiles are used by the enemy, in particular, to target logistical communications. It’s generally claimed that the target designation for the missile was provided by an Orlan-series drone in the vicinity.

Furthermore, russian propagandists position their Kh-38 as a kind of "supplement" to guided air bombs with UMPK modules, which are currently the main means of attack for the tactical aviation of the russian Aerospace Forces.

russian Kh-38 missile, Defense Express
russian Kh-38 missile / Open source photo

In turn, from Defense Express, we emphasize the following key points. Considering the short range of just 40 kilometers, russian aviation can only use Kh-38 missiles in areas near the front line that are not adequately covered by Ukrainian air defense. Accordingly, the very use of the Kh-38 guided missiles by the russians can be seen as a "symptom" that directly indicates the urgent need to strengthen the air defense of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on the front line through supplies from the West.

russian Kh-38 missile, Defense Express
russian Kh-38 missile / Open source photo
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